
Number of animals Seen

data <- read.csv("data/observations_2022.csv")
##   year ID recorder file_name  region site        tool cam_date day_sample week
## 1 2022  1    Mario  DSCF0001 Carrizo    3 camera trap   17-May          1    1
## 2 2022  2    Mario  DSCF0002 Carrizo    3 camera trap   17-May          1    1
## 3 2022  3    Mario  DSCF0003 Carrizo    3 camera trap   17-May          1    1
## 4 2022  4    Mario  DSCF0004 Carrizo    3 camera trap   17-May          1    1
## 5 2022  5    Mario  DSCF0005 Carrizo    3 camera trap   17-May          1    1
## 6 2022  6    Mario  DSCF0006 Carrizo    3 camera trap   17-May          1    1
##   day rep plot shrub_density cam_ID photo_rep animal          RTU actual_time
## 1   1   1    1       density      1         1      0         none        6:37
## 2   1   2    1       density      1         2      0         none        6:40
## 3   1   3    1       density      1         3      0         none        6:44
## 4   1   4    1       density      1         4      1 Kangaroo Rat       14:57
## 5   1   5    1       density      1         5      1 Kangaroo Rat       15:18
## 6   1   6    1       density      1         6      1 Kangaroo Rat       15:20
##   time_block behavior observation           notes microsite
## 1         am                      Camera Deployed     shrub
## 2         am                                          shrub
## 3         am                                          shrub
## 4         pm standing                                 shrub
## 5         pm standing                                 shrub
## 6         pm standing                                 shrub
data %>%
    group_by(RTU) %>% filter(RTU != "none") %>%
## # A tibble: 11 × 2
##    RTU                   count
##    <chr>                 <int>
##  1 ""                        2
##  2 "America Badger"          1
##  3 "Antellope Squirrel"      1
##  4 "Antelope Squirrel"      34
##  5 "Coyote"                  6
##  6 "Ground Squirrel"        29
##  7 "Jack Rabbit"            16
##  8 "Kangaroo Rat"          265
##  9 "San Joaquin Kit Fox"     2
## 10 "Unidentifiable"          9
## 11 "Unidentified Bird"       2

Capture Rate

n_total <- nrow(data)
n_hit <- data %>%
  filter(animal != 0) %>%

percent_capture <- (n_hit/n_total)*100

n_total ### Total Photos
## [1] 1643
n_hit   ### Total Hits
## [1] 365
percent_capture ### Percent Capture Rate
## [1] 22.21546

Test Wildlife Insight App Accuracy

WI <- read.csv("images_2.csv")
WI %>%
    group_by(genus) %>% filter(genus != "NA") %>%
## # A tibble: 9 × 2
##   genus          count
##   <chr>          <int>
## 1 ""              1491
## 2 "Ammoperdix"      10
## 3 "Canis"            6
## 4 "Homo"            14
## 5 "Lepus"           24
## 6 "Lynx"             2
## 7 "No CV Result"    74
## 8 "Taxidea"          2
## 9 "Vulpes"          10
##   project_id  region site shrub_density plot cam_ID        date
## 1    2004957 Carrizo    3       density    2      2  17/05/2022
## 2    2004957 Carrizo    3       density    2      2  17/05/2022
## 3    2004957 Carrizo    3       density    2      2  17/05/2022
## 4    2004957 Carrizo    3       density    2      2  17/05/2022
## 5    2004957 Carrizo    3       density    2      2  17/05/2022
## 6    2004957 Carrizo    3       density    2      2  17/05/2022
##                               image_id file_name
## 1 53004bd7-804f-4bf8-832c-bc489b995742  DSCF0004
## 2 5614afef-f55e-4426-b25d-dc3141a7fff6  DSCF0003
## 3 4043251e-5791-4677-89cf-7c3631673daf  DSCF0006
## 4 b17bd793-1015-4208-98fe-eed11284ff5d  DSCF0005
## 5 c622870c-d641-45a7-bd25-42d326aa4e54  DSCF0001
## 6 cd065c1b-3bd5-4954-b6af-57ad1188e9bd  DSCF0010
##                                                                                                                           location
## 1 gs://145625598251_2004957_186_cam_traps_2022__main/deployment/2213467/prod/directUpload/53004bd7-804f-4bf8-832c-bc489b995742.JPG
## 2 gs://145625598251_2004957_186_cam_traps_2022__main/deployment/2213467/prod/directUpload/5614afef-f55e-4426-b25d-dc3141a7fff6.JPG
## 3 gs://145625598251_2004957_186_cam_traps_2022__main/deployment/2213467/prod/directUpload/4043251e-5791-4677-89cf-7c3631673daf.JPG
## 4 gs://145625598251_2004957_186_cam_traps_2022__main/deployment/2213467/prod/directUpload/b17bd793-1015-4208-98fe-eed11284ff5d.JPG
## 5 gs://145625598251_2004957_186_cam_traps_2022__main/deployment/2213467/prod/directUpload/c622870c-d641-45a7-bd25-42d326aa4e54.JPG
## 6 gs://145625598251_2004957_186_cam_traps_2022__main/deployment/2213467/prod/directUpload/cd065c1b-3bd5-4954-b6af-57ad1188e9bd.JPG
##   is_blank   identified_by                          wi_taxon_id    class
## 1        1 Computer vision e70effd7-855e-4ba3-966c-a4fbb74eab13 Mammalia
## 2        0 Computer vision f1856211-cfb7-4a5b-9158-c0f72fd09ee6         
## 3        0 Computer vision f1856211-cfb7-4a5b-9158-c0f72fd09ee6         
## 4        0 Computer vision f1856211-cfb7-4a5b-9158-c0f72fd09ee6         
## 5        1 Computer vision 990ae9dd-7a59-4344-afcb-1b7b21368000 Mammalia
## 6        0 Computer vision f1856211-cfb7-4a5b-9158-c0f72fd09ee6         
##       order     family   genus species     common_name uncertainty
## 1 Carnivora Mustelidae Taxidea   taxus American Badger          NA
## 2                                                Blank          NA
## 3                                                Blank          NA
## 4                                                Blank          NA
## 5  Primates  Hominidae    Homo sapiens           Human          NA
## 6                                                Blank          NA
##          timestamp number_of_objects age sex animal_recognizable individual_id
## 1 2021-01-02 15:13                 1  NA  NA               FALSE            NA
## 2 2021-01-02 15:12                 1  NA  NA               FALSE            NA
## 3 2021-01-02 17:07                 1  NA  NA               FALSE            NA
## 4 2021-01-02 16:28                 1  NA  NA               FALSE            NA
## 5  2021-01-02 6:58                 1  NA  NA               FALSE            NA
## 6 2021-01-03 15:04                 1  NA  NA               FALSE            NA
##   individual_animal_notes behavior highlighted markings cv_confidence license
## 1                      NA       NA       FALSE       NA          0.90     CC0
## 2                      NA       NA       FALSE       NA          0.89     CC0
## 3                      NA       NA       FALSE       NA          0.92     CC0
## 4                      NA       NA       FALSE       NA          0.91     CC0
## 5                      NA       NA       FALSE       NA          0.99     CC0
## 6                      NA       NA       FALSE       NA          0.91     CC0
n_total_WI <- nrow(WI)
n_hit_WI <- WI %>%
  filter(is_blank != 0) %>%   ### The WI file give blanks 1s and hits 0s

percent_capture_WI <- (n_hit_WI/n_total_WI)*100

n_total_WI ### Total Photos
## [1] 1633
n_hit_WI  ### Total Hits
## [1] 376
percent_capture_WI ### Percent Capture Rate
## [1] 23.02511
  1. Capture rate by hand is 22.39% and the capture rate for WI is 22.90%
### Step 2: Compare the 2 methods to see if they return hits and misses on the same photos.
WI_filtered <- WI %>%
  select(region, site, shrub_density, plot, cam_ID, file_name, is_blank, common_name)

combined <- left_join(data, WI_filtered, by=c("region", "site", "shrub_density", "plot", "cam_ID", "file_name"))
combined <- combined%>%
  select(-tool, -behavior, -observation, -notes)

Try combining WI data to Metadata

df <- combined%>%
  mutate(difference = animal-is_blank)

df <- df %>%
  filter(common_name != "Human")

n_negative <- df %>%
  filter(difference == -1) %>% 

n_zero <- df %>%
  filter(difference == 0) %>% 

n_one <- df %>%
  filter(difference == 1) %>% 

RATES: Mario 22.2 WI 23.025

Differences Tallied" -1 : 31

0 : 1407

1 : 25

### Percent hits on cameras via human
## [1] 22.21546
### Percent animals missed from WI vs visually seen
## [1] 6.849315
### Percent capture rate Table
Percent <- read.csv("Percent Captures.csv")
## Warning in read.table(file = file, header = header, sep = sep, quote = quote, :
## incomplete final line found by readTableHeader on 'Percent Captures.csv'
method percent.capture
visual 22.215
WI 23.025
### Comparison of Visual and WI processing

negative <- data.frame(n_negative)
zero <- data.frame(n_zero)
positive <- data.frame(n_one)
tally <- merge(negative, zero)
tally <- merge(tally, positive)

names(tally)[1] <- "WI Detected (-1)"
names(tally)[2] <- "Visual & WI Detected (0)"
names(tally)[3] <- "Visually Detected (1)"
WI Detected (-1) Visual & WI Detected (0) Visually Detected (1)
31 1407 25
### Accuracy of WI System
subset <- subset(df, difference == -1)
#write.csv(subset, "Subset.csv")
accuracy <- read.csv("Subset.csv")

n_total_accuracy <- nrow(accuracy)

n_false <- accuracy %>%
  filter(accuracy == FALSE) %>% 

### Incorrectly detected animal there.
percent_incorrect <- (n_false/n_total_accuracy)*100
## [1] 58.06452
n_true <- accuracy %>%
  filter(accuracy == TRUE) %>%

percent_correct <- (n_true/n_total_accuracy)*100
## [1] 41.93548

Based on the 31 detected via WI software that were missed when visually conducted, 58% were false positives while 41.9% were true positives.

So after cleaning everything up, and running the math, WI seems to only miss 6.8% of animal photos where compared to visually processing the photos. I think this is a good tool then