Load Packages

## ── Attaching core tidyverse packages ──────────────────────── tidyverse 2.0.0 ──
## ✔ dplyr     1.1.2     ✔ readr     2.1.4
## ✔ forcats   1.0.0     ✔ stringr   1.5.0
## ✔ lubridate 1.9.2     ✔ tibble    3.2.1
## ✔ purrr     1.0.2     ✔ tidyr     1.3.0
## ── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
## ✖ dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
## ✖ dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()
## ℹ Use the conflicted package (<http://conflicted.r-lib.org/>) to force all conflicts to become errors
## Loading 'meta' package (version 6.5-0).
## Type 'help(meta)' for a brief overview.
## Readers of 'Meta-Analysis with R (Use R!)' should install
## older version of 'meta' package: https://tinyurl.com/dt4y5drs
## Attaching package: 'MASS'
## The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
##     select
## Attaching package: 'patchwork'
## The following object is masked from 'package:MASS':
##     area

Clean observation data

### Load and clean up dirty data
#photo <- read.csv("observations.csv")
#photo <- photo %>%
 # filter(common_name != "Human")
#photo <- photo %>%
 # filter(common_name != "Human-Camera Trapper")
#photo <- photo %>%
 # filter(common_name != "Domestic Dog")
#photo <- photo %>%
 # filter(common_name != "Vehicle")
#photo <- photo %>%
#  dplyr::filter(common_name != "Insect")
#photo <- photo %>%
 # dplyr::filter(common_name != "Animal")
#photo <- photo %>%
#  dplyr::filter(common_name != "Bird")
#photo <- photo %>%
 # filter(common_name != "No CV Result")

#count.hit <- photo %>%
 # count(animal.hit) %>%
 # na.omit()

### 0.489% capture rate
### Total Observations is species list!
#Total_Observations <- photo %>% group_by(common_name) %>% summarise(total = sum(animal.hit)) %>% filter(common_name != "Blank")  %>% filter(common_name != "No CV Result") %>% filter(common_name != "Mammal")

#animals_by_factor <- photo %>% group_by(factor,common_name, scientific_name) %>% summarise(captures = sum(animal.hit))
#animals_by_factor <- animals_by_factor %>% filter(common_name != "Blank")  %>% filter(common_name != "No CV Result")

#factor_obvs <- merge(animals_by_factor, Total_Observations, all = TRUE)
#factor_obvs$percent_presence <- factor_obvs$captures/factor_obvs$total
### Rought version of percent proportion figure.
#write.csv(factor_obvs, file = "scientific.csv")
scientific <- read.csv("scientific.csv")
#plot1 <- ggplot(scientific, aes(scientific_name, percent_presence, fill = factor)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity") + coord_flip() + theme_classic() + scale_x_discrete(limits=rev) + xlab("Species") + ylab("Percent Proportion") + labs(fill = "factor")

#plot1 + scale_fill_manual(values = c("#009900", "#0066cc", "#8B0000")) + scale_x_discrete(limits = rev(levels(factor_obvs$scientific_name))) 
### This figure works well!

# Calculate the total counts of each species
scientific <- scientific %>%
  group_by(scientific_name, factor) %>%
  summarize(total_counts = sum(percent_presence))
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'scientific_name'. You can override using
## the `.groups` argument.
# Create a custom order based on percent presence
custom_order <- scientific %>%
  arrange(factor, -total_counts) %>%

# Create a numeric variable to represent the custom order
scientific <- scientific %>%
  mutate(order_var = match(scientific_name, custom_order))

# Create the bar plot with custom x-axis order
plot1 <- ggplot(scientific, aes(factor(order_var), total_counts, fill = factor)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
  coord_flip() +
  theme_classic() +
  xlab("Species") +
  ylab("Relative Proportion") +
  labs(fill = "Microsite") +
  scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Paired") +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = 1:length(custom_order), labels = custom_order) + scale_x_discrete(labels = custom_order) + theme(text = element_text(size = 12), panel.border = element_rect(color = "black", fill = NA, size = 1.5), axis.text = element_text(size = 10))
## Scale for x is already present.
## Adding another scale for x, which will replace the existing scale.
## Warning: The `size` argument of `element_rect()` is deprecated as of ggplot2 3.4.0.
## ℹ Please use the `linewidth` argument instead.
## This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
## Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was
## generated.

### Determine animal abundance at each site (This will also help with PCOA)
#photo_final <- photo  %>% filter(common_name != "Blank")  %>% filter(common_name != "No CV Result") %>% filter(common_name != "Mammal")
#write.csv(photo_final, file = "observations.csv") ### Use this as final data
photo_final <- read.csv("observations.csv")
Total_Observations_factors <- photo_final %>% group_by(site_code, factor, microsite_number) %>% summarise(total = sum(animal_hit))
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'site_code', 'factor'. You can override
## using the `.groups` argument.
#animals_density <- photo %>% group_by(site_code,factor, common_name, microsite_number) %>% summarise(captures = sum(animal.hit))
#animals_density <- animals_density %>% filter(common_name != "Blank")
### Geolocated Shrub Density setup and cleanup.
Cuyama_shrubs <- read.csv("Cuyama.csv")
Cuyama_shrubs <- Cuyama_shrubs %>% filter(site_code != "Cuyama_2") %>% filter(site_code != "Cuyama_4") %>% filter(site_code != "Cuyama_5") %>% filter(site_code != "Cuyama_6")

Carrizo_shrubs <- read.csv("Carrizo.csv")
Carrizo_shrubs <- Carrizo_shrubs %>% filter(site_code != "Carrizo_1")%>% filter(site_code != "Carrizo_2")%>% filter(site_code != "Carrizo_3")%>% filter(site_code != "Carrizo_4")%>% filter(site_code != "Carrizo_5")%>% filter(site_code != "Carrizo_6")%>% filter(site_code != "Carrizo_7")

shrubs <- rbind(Carrizo_shrubs, Cuyama_shrubs)
### Combine site level data with geolocated data to determine the shrub density around each mimic, shrub and open area. Use Lizard code!!!
## Linking to GEOS 3.11.0, GDAL 3.5.3, PROJ 9.1.0; sf_use_s2() is TRUE
## Attaching package: 'scales'
## The following object is masked from 'package:purrr':
##     discard
## The following object is masked from 'package:readr':
##     col_factor
#set key attributes####
x = 4326 #crs for first spatial df
y = 4326 #crs for second spatial df
z = 20 #set buffer is using a join to point data SET FOR 20M

shrubs <- shrubs %>% 
  st_as_sf(coords=c("long","lat"), crs = x, remove=FALSE) %>% 
  st_transform(32610) #crs = 32610 is UTM and will return distances in meters

site <- read_csv("Chpt5_Site_Data.csv") %>% 
  st_as_sf(coords=c("long","lat"), crs = y, remove=FALSE) %>% 
  st_transform(32610) #crs = 32610 is UTM and will return distances in meters
## Rows: 58 Columns: 8
## ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
## Delimiter: ","
## chr (3): site_code, factor, functioned
## dbl (5): rep, site number, lat, long, pendant_ID
## ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
## ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
buffer <- st_buffer(site, z) #decide on spatial scale
joined.xy <- st_intersection(buffer, shrubs)
## Warning: attribute variables are assumed to be spatially constant throughout
## all geometries
joined.xy <- joined.xy %>% 
  group_by(rep) %>% 
  summarize(n_shrubs = n()) %>% 

tidy_all <- left_join(site, joined.xy, by = "rep") %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(n_shrubs = replace_na(n_shrubs, 0))

max(tidy_all$n_shrubs) #checks ecological viability
## [1] 30
min(tidy_all$n_shrubs) #checks ecological viability
## [1] 0
sum(tidy_all$n_shrubs) #checks positive co-occurrences
## [1] 611
nrow(buffer) - nrow(tidy_all) #ensure that tidy dataframe comprised all buffers
## [1] 0
#write data AS tidy_20m
#write.csv(tidy_all, file = "tidy_20m.csv")
tidy_20m <- read.csv("tidy_20m.csv")%>%
  distinct(rep, .keep_all = TRUE)
###write.csv(tidy_20m, file = "tidy_20m.csv")
### PCOA
## Loading required package: permute
## Loading required package: lattice
## This is vegan 2.6-4
## Attaching package: 'ape'
## The following object is masked from 'package:ggpubr':
##     rotate
## The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
##     where
animals_density_final <- photo_final %>% group_by(site_code,factor,microsite_number, common_name) %>% summarise(captures = sum(animal_hit))
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'site_code', 'factor', 'microsite_number'.
## You can override using the `.groups` argument.
pca_data_final <- animals_density_final ### Created new df for pca data
pca_data_final <- pca_data_final %>%
  spread(common_name, captures) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  dplyr::select(-site_code, -factor, -microsite_number) %>%
## [1] 53 21
env_final <- read.csv("environment.csv") ### Drop Tecopa open 1, Tecopa open 4, since they have no animal observations.
## [1] 53  5
model010 <- adonis(pca_data_final ~ factor+shrub_density, data = env_final)
## 'adonis' will be deprecated: use 'adonis2' instead
## $aov.tab
## Permutation: free
## Number of permutations: 999
## Terms added sequentially (first to last)
##               Df SumsOfSqs MeanSqs F.Model      R2 Pr(>F)    
## factor         2    0.7190 0.35951  1.1694 0.04212  0.294    
## shrub_density  1    1.2885 1.28851  4.1913 0.07548  0.001 ***
## Residuals     49   15.0636 0.30742         0.88240           
## Total         52   17.0712                 1.00000           
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## $call
## adonis(formula = pca_data_final ~ factor + shrub_density, data = env_final)
## $coefficients
##               Bewick's Wren Black-tailed Jackrabbit California Ground Squirrel
## (Intercept)    0.0076319553              1.57842126               -0.011387527
## factor1       -0.0128239472             -0.17166774               -0.002104166
## factor2        0.0270797066             -0.45504757               -0.053282362
## shrub_density  0.0005352569             -0.03677871                0.006545535
##               California Pocket Mouse California Quail Cassin's Kingbird
## (Intercept)              -0.009216160      0.201627947       0.009885252
## factor1                   0.011361669      0.330209739      -0.025167341
## factor2                   0.040473648     -0.169199459       0.054549073
## shrub_density             0.004933453     -0.003282236       0.001575473
##               Common Poorwill Common Raven      Coyote Desert Cottontail
## (Intercept)       0.005102551   1.53102403  0.83092590       -0.16570596
## factor1           0.034366522   0.01478412  0.02186533        0.11723801
## factor2          -0.015828897  -0.05508749 -0.01344370       -0.02201191
## shrub_density     0.001085663  -0.05626888 -0.02606095        0.05138845
##               Giant Kangaroo Rat Heermann's Kangaroo Rat Horned Lark
## (Intercept)         0.2236461935               42.922232  0.34904693
## factor1            -0.0157724889                5.006682 -0.15420995
## factor2             0.1043736211                7.953404  0.31847775
## shrub_density      -0.0008117221               -1.704012 -0.01493165
##                   Kit Fox Loggerhead Shrike Mourning Dove
## (Intercept)    1.30200080        1.63788020   0.084954106
## factor1        0.41290996        0.88229861   0.131699453
## factor2       -0.20660716        0.09195141  -0.067991512
## shrub_density -0.05823822       -0.05362668  -0.001716862
##               Nelson's Antelope Squirrel Red-tailed Hawk Salinas Pocket Mouse
## (Intercept)                    5.5106881    0.0444105000           0.03084767
## factor1                        2.3369656   -0.0403940534           0.04260460
## factor2                       -0.1196759    0.0796804786           0.02211196
## shrub_density                 -0.1853251   -0.0004140667           0.00273688
##                Say's Phoebe Song Sparrow
## (Intercept)    0.0185491971  0.101486306
## factor1        0.0331651398 -0.084955200
## factor2       -0.0168030478 -0.084648437
## shrub_density -0.0001767358 -0.001704238
## $coef.sites
##                          1            2           3           4            5
## (Intercept)    0.936275457  0.926204692  0.57949457  0.55262669  0.610222530
## factor1       -0.050205797  0.016998412  0.03941641  0.04437136  0.026543387
## factor2       -0.017674861  0.075343266 -0.05155083 -0.01563137 -0.065002603
## shrub_density -0.008553169 -0.001238154  0.01022613  0.00940238  0.006715876
##                          6            7           8             9          10
## (Intercept)    0.777242019  0.852058173  0.58608635  0.9257864943  0.95563208
## factor1       -0.041612390 -0.004972056 -0.01060948  0.0174686958  0.03692741
## factor2        0.002386197 -0.001167039 -0.01348249 -0.0591197112  0.05193310
## shrub_density -0.003860334 -0.006594950  0.01383112  0.0005773103 -0.00562015
##                         11            12           13            14
## (Intercept)    0.895770431  0.9445820911  0.910485150  0.9445820911
## factor1        0.001734654  0.0239997735  0.046846314  0.0239997735
## factor2        0.032341752 -0.0713384528  0.089246857 -0.0713384528
## shrub_density -0.009063453 -0.0004010324 -0.001097481 -0.0004010324
##                          15           16           17           18           19
## (Intercept)    0.7240134806  0.988997878  0.989568529  0.628236663  0.734035940
## factor1       -0.0421516204  0.007832231  0.001355325  0.039426078 -0.020556889
## factor2        0.0014222960 -0.008458344  0.037364794 -0.053097717  0.009279855
## shrub_density  0.0002140372 -0.006003473 -0.008149366  0.005630839 -0.003154350
##                         20           21           22           23           24
## (Intercept)    0.849116203  0.987294774  0.854749137  0.923738530  0.887724497
## factor1       -0.021309556 -0.015100373 -0.044242542 -0.040625010  0.042308680
## factor2        0.003258647 -0.001243885 -0.015412171 -0.002078609  0.100568762
## shrub_density -0.009217237 -0.007575176 -0.007148741 -0.008938216 -0.002356877
##                         25           26           27            28          29
## (Intercept)    0.936275457  0.731556747  0.647618294  0.6926429273  0.54947382
## factor1       -0.050205797  0.011891249 -0.002206746  0.0007272092  0.04568939
## factor2       -0.017674861  0.054178234 -0.055715480 -0.0143286949 -0.04795711
## shrub_density -0.008553169 -0.003562781  0.004547975  0.0081519152  0.01072234
##                         30           31          32           33           34
## (Intercept)    0.766943208  0.754156996  0.63491138  0.655337994  0.622870994
## factor1       -0.034480106 -0.026628674 -0.03578040  0.001598991  0.001360762
## factor2       -0.024230700 -0.033313028 -0.01861093 -0.060408324 -0.045068645
## shrub_density  0.008905597  0.009354036  0.01356842  0.004606980  0.005245220
##                         35          36          37           38           39
## (Intercept)    0.579718734  0.60371032  0.54552608  0.557621277  0.565385089
## factor1        0.008214607 -0.02984032  0.04271827  0.046084510  0.040188676
## factor2       -0.020719713 -0.01900946 -0.05037329 -0.003355421 -0.009586730
## shrub_density  0.013578295  0.01426815  0.01166769  0.010428737  0.008461571
##                        40          41          42           43           44
## (Intercept)    0.53778473  0.57279308  0.51257919  0.739734525  0.686837166
## factor1        0.03840331  0.03026120  0.05695778 -0.023949999 -0.016346030
## factor2       -0.01593148 -0.04312069 -0.02323254 -0.028733281  0.014287801
## shrub_density  0.01216791  0.01243267  0.01144910  0.009710738  0.003589044
##                         45           46           47          48          49
## (Intercept)    0.793263881  0.860713167  0.536006661  0.53760256  0.65048975
## factor1       -0.048109313 -0.051690340  0.046633363  0.04631280 -0.02889655
## factor2       -0.026089161 -0.029771764 -0.036217614 -0.05777980 -0.02215887
## shrub_density -0.003114114 -0.006472206  0.009675989  0.01095332  0.01318175
##                        50          51          52          53
## (Intercept)   0.650342540  0.58461555  0.62135819  0.54052840
## factor1       0.001653830 -0.01223346 -0.03298820  0.04584001
## factor2       0.019105412 -0.01574979 -0.01459240 -0.06756914
## shrub_density 0.005595415  0.01401674  0.01373927  0.01026113
## $f.perms
##              [,1]       [,2]
##    [1,] 0.4599572 0.83577460
##    [2,] 1.0426373 0.50260218
##    [3,] 0.7034085 1.23925466
##    [4,] 0.9732075 0.90349360
##    [5,] 1.0744267 0.81035739
##    [6,] 0.6178820 0.74934432
##    [7,] 1.1192944 0.42579644
##    [8,] 0.8535412 0.81257054
##    [9,] 0.8490262 0.32708665
##   [10,] 1.5232653 0.76301538
##   [11,] 0.1897884 0.59132909
##   [12,] 0.8523169 0.68573760
##   [13,] 0.8627980 0.44380427
##   [14,] 0.9774391 2.01167680
##   [15,] 0.8830923 1.25428176
##   [16,] 1.9363160 2.38845945
##   [17,] 0.5682782 0.52568228
##   [18,] 0.7076253 1.00260361
##   [19,] 0.9601084 0.79152162
##   [20,] 0.8232959 0.85045762
##   [21,] 0.8852806 2.60325139
##   [22,] 0.9956029 0.86179860
##   [23,] 0.5700538 0.76355641
##   [24,] 1.0609380 0.90454397
##   [25,] 1.1497474 0.59293597
##   [26,] 0.8971832 0.84859579
##   [27,] 0.7369310 1.69376172
##   [28,] 0.4625576 0.52977667
##   [29,] 1.0252487 0.94679798
##   [30,] 1.2761952 0.73483392
##   [31,] 0.8824368 1.32167826
##   [32,] 1.2544076 0.51593569
##   [33,] 1.7296003 0.60301961
##   [34,] 1.1356161 2.01154363
##   [35,] 1.1044871 2.28475385
##   [36,] 0.8098081 1.26715590
##   [37,] 0.9338974 1.00848798
##   [38,] 0.5620298 1.26477098
##   [39,] 0.9327427 1.05740008
##   [40,] 0.8104762 0.94348713
##   [41,] 0.7200692 0.39736867
##   [42,] 0.4856760 0.55342264
##   [43,] 0.7975690 0.45297560
##   [44,] 0.9354496 0.73740379
##   [45,] 1.3561780 0.78019712
##   [46,] 1.2410658 1.26482858
##   [47,] 1.2163905 3.22989729
##   [48,] 1.4362395 0.94438373
##   [49,] 1.9562861 0.91148162
##   [50,] 0.7452854 1.38839844
##   [51,] 0.5900373 2.75999031
##   [52,] 1.1248385 0.95444213
##   [53,] 1.1930309 1.08957142
##   [54,] 1.3714639 1.32731349
##   [55,] 0.8049374 0.78399552
##   [56,] 0.6057794 0.99907830
##   [57,] 1.0839338 1.23387689
##   [58,] 0.9855680 1.08813807
##   [59,] 0.5996461 0.98929989
##   [60,] 1.3597111 1.27342958
##   [61,] 0.6600669 1.01348268
##   [62,] 0.7770954 2.05820452
##   [63,] 0.6879214 0.64634738
##   [64,] 1.3822713 0.58966181
##   [65,] 0.5537619 0.77430367
##   [66,] 0.5289832 1.15160079
##   [67,] 0.7268667 2.09181679
##   [68,] 0.7893873 1.40791451
##   [69,] 1.1521229 0.70369329
##   [70,] 0.6427849 1.46974356
##   [71,] 1.5647635 0.40380841
##   [72,] 0.8445927 2.26938935
##   [73,] 1.2808926 0.43145673
##   [74,] 1.3916093 0.84989308
##   [75,] 1.3671233 1.52268431
##   [76,] 0.5546176 0.74488611
##   [77,] 0.8052804 0.44288752
##   [78,] 0.7360553 0.74136801
##   [79,] 0.9959874 0.62172536
##   [80,] 0.8053353 0.28883473
##   [81,] 0.8656459 0.67144436
##   [82,] 1.3724689 0.24956769
##   [83,] 1.3117152 1.66752117
##   [84,] 0.9354733 1.46798531
##   [85,] 1.0197722 1.74907073
##   [86,] 0.7008857 0.45577260
##   [87,] 1.9856993 1.21809666
##   [88,] 0.6886301 1.49626287
##   [89,] 1.1392427 0.57323213
##   [90,] 1.0017322 0.40427086
##   [91,] 0.7890888 0.74338727
##   [92,] 0.8284465 1.17794793
##   [93,] 0.8451960 0.63826764
##   [94,] 1.0756299 1.66882409
##   [95,] 1.2618578 1.07849012
##   [96,] 0.6779259 1.28792570
##   [97,] 0.9787246 1.98480184
##   [98,] 0.7702501 1.18225141
##   [99,] 0.9089062 1.27380754
##  [100,] 0.9026844 0.89566471
##  [101,] 0.7557570 0.61819842
##  [102,] 0.8900891 0.89995854
##  [103,] 1.8239635 0.24700190
##  [104,] 1.1504143 1.67426838
##  [105,] 0.8161170 1.46591168
##  [106,] 0.4092939 0.87994409
##  [107,] 0.6616104 0.51970298
##  [108,] 0.8294680 0.71552527
##  [109,] 1.2568653 1.07604437
##  [110,] 0.9343306 1.65798650
##  [111,] 0.5595005 2.01297985
##  [112,] 0.7992344 0.27633843
##  [113,] 1.2852678 0.94597383
##  [114,] 1.0933206 1.64008119
##  [115,] 0.8115787 1.85038636
##  [116,] 0.6870516 1.24507577
##  [117,] 1.6266079 1.16072986
##  [118,] 0.6695099 0.99724531
##  [119,] 1.5716739 2.06998069
##  [120,] 0.5618964 1.26760238
##  [121,] 1.2609441 1.76125027
##  [122,] 2.3583426 0.42918201
##  [123,] 0.7785811 0.91202947
##  [124,] 0.8273639 0.34288430
##  [125,] 0.4294628 0.62012345
##  [126,] 0.8896084 0.52405824
##  [127,] 0.6866725 0.71082001
##  [128,] 0.8373530 1.51575276
##  [129,] 1.4013307 1.15880270
##  [130,] 1.2071304 1.23987723
##  [131,] 1.4395104 0.41414906
##  [132,] 1.0705153 1.62348466
##  [133,] 0.2974585 1.28395394
##  [134,] 1.6956815 1.46879653
##  [135,] 0.8026053 2.21687803
##  [136,] 0.6391281 1.34305702
##  [137,] 0.8471105 0.79191853
##  [138,] 0.4042362 1.23533713
##  [139,] 1.1554654 1.02727063
##  [140,] 1.1213135 1.63038351
##  [141,] 0.8683775 0.80243885
##  [142,] 0.6838353 2.38109766
##  [143,] 1.6649706 1.19672960
##  [144,] 0.8677079 0.80293590
##  [145,] 1.8848155 1.72594690
##  [146,] 1.1303223 1.40596611
##  [147,] 0.8834158 1.89168216
##  [148,] 1.3630623 1.54788346
##  [149,] 1.4889734 1.73870678
##  [150,] 1.4288653 0.46873238
##  [151,] 0.8146585 1.59916170
##  [152,] 1.1493537 0.52828824
##  [153,] 0.6132353 1.02205253
##  [154,] 1.0782394 0.70131669
##  [155,] 1.2766102 0.48526665
##  [156,] 1.1414232 2.12821670
##  [157,] 1.1360666 1.48980028
##  [158,] 0.9153304 0.37129558
##  [159,] 0.6450904 1.70048322
##  [160,] 1.4240051 0.92431515
##  [161,] 1.0517462 0.51019757
##  [162,] 0.8739827 3.41926564
##  [163,] 0.7551974 1.82582816
##  [164,] 1.2835878 0.86425028
##  [165,] 1.1184198 1.44862828
##  [166,] 0.5900899 2.31983579
##  [167,] 1.1938067 1.35395511
##  [168,] 1.1242882 1.12253623
##  [169,] 1.5792740 1.44728914
##  [170,] 0.8460862 1.23942934
##  [171,] 1.0512533 0.71505829
##  [172,] 1.3573211 0.92947826
##  [173,] 1.0931692 0.76256894
##  [174,] 0.6092751 0.57218316
##  [175,] 0.5101799 0.47861940
##  [176,] 1.8718841 1.06266070
##  [177,] 0.5179361 0.92296348
##  [178,] 1.1927200 0.83214441
##  [179,] 1.0152133 1.02799880
##  [180,] 1.3114024 1.20743833
##  [181,] 0.9778099 0.85028550
##  [182,] 1.8090544 0.58661346
##  [183,] 0.9052078 1.20252256
##  [184,] 0.5842099 1.41514061
##  [185,] 0.8227753 1.14049646
##  [186,] 0.9394447 0.91904003
##  [187,] 1.3173163 0.38655292
##  [188,] 1.0624500 1.27435486
##  [189,] 0.8938294 0.65851059
##  [190,] 0.9606644 1.00826976
##  [191,] 0.8032187 0.55990488
##  [192,] 0.7393309 0.82284766
##  [193,] 0.8882897 0.97887212
##  [194,] 0.6575407 1.32676517
##  [195,] 1.1732416 1.56569254
##  [196,] 0.7969695 1.67134396
##  [197,] 1.1572445 1.06678467
##  [198,] 0.6616483 1.18706107
##  [199,] 2.3984901 0.95481733
##  [200,] 0.6253683 1.19531161
##  [201,] 1.0566598 1.29996521
##  [202,] 0.6297481 1.44878014
##  [203,] 0.8558501 1.62024633
##  [204,] 0.8568445 0.71380980
##  [205,] 1.9803250 0.65792643
##  [206,] 1.8484831 0.97705283
##  [207,] 1.2473200 0.91201897
##  [208,] 1.1901035 0.95651717
##  [209,] 0.6999643 1.08653047
##  [210,] 0.8292040 0.17395316
##  [211,] 0.5765239 1.74468941
##  [212,] 1.5467431 0.49979046
##  [213,] 2.7331782 1.73606747
##  [214,] 1.1080662 0.38607177
##  [215,] 1.2265040 0.90847359
##  [216,] 0.7944392 1.02596895
##  [217,] 0.8269498 0.82504663
##  [218,] 1.0995456 2.03031621
##  [219,] 1.2623924 1.06249858
##  [220,] 1.0410670 0.70588706
##  [221,] 1.1091452 0.83795062
##  [222,] 1.3492663 0.47681329
##  [223,] 0.8276861 1.85119125
##  [224,] 1.2828631 1.05128423
##  [225,] 0.6153764 0.76843460
##  [226,] 1.3691524 1.60514924
##  [227,] 1.0092886 0.88655998
##  [228,] 1.0370490 0.35206558
##  [229,] 1.0878436 0.46590179
##  [230,] 0.3215025 1.23649197
##  [231,] 0.9811357 1.27594695
##  [232,] 1.0460018 1.05644235
##  [233,] 1.6705937 0.70596700
##  [234,] 0.8906043 0.80206793
##  [235,] 1.1467583 1.52023607
##  [236,] 0.9412889 0.62580126
##  [237,] 0.8318293 1.45775055
##  [238,] 0.9084554 1.30197418
##  [239,] 0.7813009 0.19049536
##  [240,] 0.8063977 0.52416881
##  [241,] 0.9943149 0.39812366
##  [242,] 1.1303820 0.29685756
##  [243,] 1.9693554 0.33917957
##  [244,] 0.6927489 0.66530052
##  [245,] 1.0492643 1.18776134
##  [246,] 0.5396945 0.65912900
##  [247,] 0.7099256 0.47325832
##  [248,] 0.3817309 0.79509043
##  [249,] 1.0495968 0.98325605
##  [250,] 1.3287628 0.63263196
##  [251,] 1.0445835 0.37927237
##  [252,] 0.8463631 0.56750830
##  [253,] 0.8469430 0.39868357
##  [254,] 1.2653633 0.76285162
##  [255,] 1.6085854 1.09402033
##  [256,] 1.1969472 0.61765924
##  [257,] 1.1100303 1.19671593
##  [258,] 0.4530513 0.14425296
##  [259,] 1.3439128 0.88796493
##  [260,] 0.7051329 0.93656667
##  [261,] 1.1737709 1.52113650
##  [262,] 1.9966074 1.61442764
##  [263,] 0.6576103 2.95374729
##  [264,] 1.0258283 2.00108295
##  [265,] 1.1327780 1.10664763
##  [266,] 1.4337845 1.01820734
##  [267,] 1.7356807 0.99993904
##  [268,] 0.7911979 0.76113778
##  [269,] 0.8772472 1.58192291
##  [270,] 0.3170194 1.12587571
##  [271,] 1.0251369 0.38776532
##  [272,] 0.8015990 0.88670611
##  [273,] 1.0074434 0.58257635
##  [274,] 1.1212656 0.86931163
##  [275,] 2.1189109 1.39648626
##  [276,] 0.8579511 0.80095726
##  [277,] 1.0088317 0.36111837
##  [278,] 0.5986079 0.72886504
##  [279,] 1.4609141 0.64041333
##  [280,] 1.1954366 2.17428208
##  [281,] 0.5493951 1.27961526
##  [282,] 1.7146841 0.60464874
##  [283,] 0.8755060 0.78788718
##  [284,] 0.6815880 0.93502038
##  [285,] 0.3490789 0.91065799
##  [286,] 1.2522925 0.29116124
##  [287,] 0.8974091 1.30178449
##  [288,] 0.9269665 0.55304192
##  [289,] 1.3579240 0.52596202
##  [290,] 1.2634631 1.08748755
##  [291,] 0.7047291 2.11519543
##  [292,] 0.4755216 1.00931075
##  [293,] 0.4525303 2.45173588
##  [294,] 1.7549381 0.31142339
##  [295,] 1.1262524 0.88003663
##  [296,] 0.8612480 0.21986841
##  [297,] 0.6332394 0.41761796
##  [298,] 0.7595142 0.69711543
##  [299,] 0.6220158 2.17750530
##  [300,] 0.5195922 0.47066606
##  [301,] 2.2143477 1.33536599
##  [302,] 0.9619690 1.21818256
##  [303,] 1.3393011 0.46854008
##  [304,] 0.6741815 1.10632058
##  [305,] 0.9050634 0.36331844
##  [306,] 0.7586536 0.05326183
##  [307,] 1.8850744 1.49398749
##  [308,] 0.8701400 1.26480962
##  [309,] 0.6246170 0.94605366
##  [310,] 0.7434882 0.66343739
##  [311,] 0.6241196 0.36803575
##  [312,] 0.7392008 0.63206829
##  [313,] 0.6204418 0.90183133
##  [314,] 1.4369364 0.86566185
##  [315,] 1.0950103 0.88372775
##  [316,] 0.3606183 0.45191790
##  [317,] 0.9038696 0.41789458
##  [318,] 0.6818844 0.77545759
##  [319,] 0.9386359 0.97881848
##  [320,] 0.9608002 0.38317046
##  [321,] 0.4499469 1.12595899
##  [322,] 0.6515932 1.11300687
##  [323,] 1.0367430 2.00804202
##  [324,] 1.7616044 0.59096547
##  [325,] 0.6198267 0.99565930
##  [326,] 0.6294190 0.80635666
##  [327,] 0.7138286 0.72195313
##  [328,] 1.2155795 1.04477719
##  [329,] 0.9943878 0.37867912
##  [330,] 0.5346592 0.65465115
##  [331,] 1.3035920 0.70328380
##  [332,] 0.6514606 0.91280464
##  [333,] 0.6156430 1.22799016
##  [334,] 1.3393159 2.21337787
##  [335,] 0.9396514 0.82130009
##  [336,] 0.7621975 0.75879105
##  [337,] 1.0811002 0.53382832
##  [338,] 0.5429740 0.72627893
##  [339,] 0.6794016 0.50554019
##  [340,] 0.3440995 0.72592403
##  [341,] 0.7144134 1.47694685
##  [342,] 1.6501142 0.31222010
##  [343,] 1.3195745 0.59195932
##  [344,] 1.0822338 0.82016395
##  [345,] 1.0248923 0.68616112
##  [346,] 0.8465658 0.39546285
##  [347,] 1.3159924 1.32586331
##  [348,] 2.0137595 1.07913145
##  [349,] 0.5617655 0.41669802
##  [350,] 0.5234729 0.96833320
##  [351,] 0.7451603 0.77258102
##  [352,] 0.8004728 0.99977931
##  [353,] 0.4928175 0.42095239
##  [354,] 1.5239090 2.39179650
##  [355,] 0.5447614 1.68510240
##  [356,] 0.9025730 0.63968245
##  [357,] 0.9116071 0.59002542
##  [358,] 0.6358900 0.33353475
##  [359,] 1.3176158 0.80371362
##  [360,] 1.2458030 1.28267054
##  [361,] 0.7105637 0.75557652
##  [362,] 0.4880201 0.84447725
##  [363,] 1.2478312 0.23313198
##  [364,] 0.5642719 0.43466534
##  [365,] 1.0983181 1.09554752
##  [366,] 1.1016706 1.12650157
##  [367,] 1.1275571 1.65042046
##  [368,] 0.5977609 0.82010587
##  [369,] 1.2126740 2.08352687
##  [370,] 1.2353064 0.59179882
##  [371,] 1.1449709 0.93600040
##  [372,] 0.6851895 1.28372510
##  [373,] 1.0730000 0.70669400
##  [374,] 0.5480474 0.23999514
##  [375,] 0.4946227 0.50322509
##  [376,] 1.1536442 0.93753283
##  [377,] 0.7435991 0.55417308
##  [378,] 0.9497826 0.72361137
##  [379,] 0.5480471 0.20004169
##  [380,] 0.4743367 1.20513190
##  [381,] 0.9153583 0.28900591
##  [382,] 1.6431589 0.87475903
##  [383,] 1.2614956 1.32784061
##  [384,] 1.4692273 0.72311505
##  [385,] 0.6734591 2.05855272
##  [386,] 0.8930846 1.50969552
##  [387,] 0.7161146 0.98951760
##  [388,] 0.8183737 0.40099835
##  [389,] 1.7915631 1.17755079
##  [390,] 1.1669373 1.06571843
##  [391,] 0.7302804 0.80439728
##  [392,] 0.4985687 0.76551647
##  [393,] 1.9499124 0.99995150
##  [394,] 1.3754953 0.73471859
##  [395,] 0.8166079 1.36225881
##  [396,] 1.0498461 1.29567139
##  [397,] 0.9807533 0.34989353
##  [398,] 1.0709584 1.54775608
##  [399,] 1.2439865 1.06446855
##  [400,] 1.1690408 1.16383593
##  [401,] 0.8810735 0.49818260
##  [402,] 1.0517341 1.89335193
##  [403,] 0.8416317 1.50919464
##  [404,] 0.4464852 2.26712068
##  [405,] 0.7589892 0.47375604
##  [406,] 1.0772708 0.44622388
##  [407,] 0.6379868 0.47027829
##  [408,] 0.9601450 0.81424399
##  [409,] 0.5592093 3.17780327
##  [410,] 0.6745780 1.13658209
##  [411,] 0.2152670 1.51470433
##  [412,] 0.8104944 0.66711496
##  [413,] 0.7259179 0.31287038
##  [414,] 0.9528539 0.90366831
##  [415,] 0.5554814 1.78897283
##  [416,] 0.9522524 1.45215423
##  [417,] 0.7504043 0.92277790
##  [418,] 1.5086416 1.93706647
##  [419,] 0.7773664 0.35261346
##  [420,] 1.1835498 0.68973841
##  [421,] 1.1991893 0.20739234
##  [422,] 0.9997656 1.27780616
##  [423,] 1.3405092 0.84994973
##  [424,] 0.5064495 0.84304223
##  [425,] 0.6983098 1.29447065
##  [426,] 0.6837848 3.16463869
##  [427,] 0.9092428 1.08922354
##  [428,] 0.6197779 0.44091036
##  [429,] 1.1432138 0.84256893
##  [430,] 1.6432492 1.07135652
##  [431,] 1.0456480 0.49432068
##  [432,] 0.8931504 0.61291320
##  [433,] 1.1340499 1.10807504
##  [434,] 1.8952161 2.09410218
##  [435,] 0.6988086 1.67150293
##  [436,] 1.3106526 0.91627176
##  [437,] 0.8594195 3.23619282
##  [438,] 0.6460948 1.00534759
##  [439,] 1.1055952 0.87704563
##  [440,] 0.8446594 0.65659851
##  [441,] 1.4585461 0.90865992
##  [442,] 0.7577382 0.83440239
##  [443,] 2.0883890 0.98178903
##  [444,] 0.9351446 1.52629841
##  [445,] 0.9316319 0.87163312
##  [446,] 1.5698442 0.86845565
##  [447,] 0.5665456 1.01549874
##  [448,] 0.5626745 0.99853102
##  [449,] 0.6398035 0.81222033
##  [450,] 1.1809123 1.03955848
##  [451,] 0.3925237 0.86232830
##  [452,] 1.2468293 0.72436298
##  [453,] 0.6302959 1.62102968
##  [454,] 1.3907056 1.09013804
##  [455,] 0.5423411 0.85684597
##  [456,] 0.7422516 0.65444308
##  [457,] 0.6018106 1.08696899
##  [458,] 1.1609321 1.41112646
##  [459,] 1.1874088 1.25278072
##  [460,] 2.0163243 1.57418813
##  [461,] 0.8098701 0.66892541
##  [462,] 1.1923378 0.90976174
##  [463,] 0.7547008 0.99467647
##  [464,] 1.8055849 0.73126206
##  [465,] 0.7455785 0.88636978
##  [466,] 1.0432839 0.72553917
##  [467,] 2.2074087 1.02002908
##  [468,] 1.0077337 1.96836279
##  [469,] 0.9918374 1.45675952
##  [470,] 0.9758125 0.96661780
##  [471,] 0.6003911 0.49975790
##  [472,] 0.4956800 1.22750434
##  [473,] 0.8705493 2.17921105
##  [474,] 0.9148897 0.53954524
##  [475,] 1.3509824 0.29611586
##  [476,] 1.6922938 0.93668942
##  [477,] 0.7355045 0.69490253
##  [478,] 1.4599986 0.75834578
##  [479,] 1.6294612 1.25118250
##  [480,] 0.7197546 0.72239331
##  [481,] 1.9410846 1.61116602
##  [482,] 0.6536349 1.10902314
##  [483,] 1.1855946 2.29321694
##  [484,] 0.3603394 1.57431066
##  [485,] 0.3285999 0.70380126
##  [486,] 0.8538744 0.56730120
##  [487,] 0.5645355 0.53727387
##  [488,] 0.5015303 0.31231024
##  [489,] 0.8075431 0.59975462
##  [490,] 0.3570011 0.47374297
##  [491,] 1.3168424 1.15909600
##  [492,] 0.6382237 1.22011819
##  [493,] 1.0127913 1.09584083
##  [494,] 1.1353079 1.42338686
##  [495,] 1.3087479 1.91018187
##  [496,] 0.7963326 1.26443020
##  [497,] 1.0779486 1.58335191
##  [498,] 0.6494726 1.36397610
##  [499,] 1.1949046 0.97350825
##  [500,] 0.9483530 1.71308576
##  [501,] 2.1204888 1.48745550
##  [502,] 1.1743416 1.64908701
##  [503,] 1.0091568 0.37161949
##  [504,] 0.4072796 1.04429603
##  [505,] 1.5271301 1.96019099
##  [506,] 1.2287315 0.43114476
##  [507,] 1.3698661 1.06423562
##  [508,] 0.8407309 0.69494132
##  [509,] 0.8870609 0.34694123
##  [510,] 0.3702202 0.44149551
##  [511,] 0.8236391 0.65362775
##  [512,] 0.6200980 0.89792275
##  [513,] 0.8793795 0.92653874
##  [514,] 1.2934338 1.05694898
##  [515,] 0.8973448 1.34372462
##  [516,] 0.6185947 1.60939311
##  [517,] 0.3942516 1.23078762
##  [518,] 1.3765297 0.86618075
##  [519,] 0.5434618 1.21685042
##  [520,] 0.9651031 1.11770380
##  [521,] 1.2173040 0.91633644
##  [522,] 0.9418050 0.43549662
##  [523,] 0.7126328 1.51671943
##  [524,] 1.0219008 0.96877390
##  [525,] 0.6968741 0.69634657
##  [526,] 0.9297531 0.86218619
##  [527,] 0.7484446 1.12988831
##  [528,] 1.3800316 0.76352916
##  [529,] 0.8777571 0.63468762
##  [530,] 0.3820690 0.64416194
##  [531,] 1.3018695 0.54206278
##  [532,] 0.6346759 0.61905107
##  [533,] 0.7632757 0.65272424
##  [534,] 1.1734091 0.58840477
##  [535,] 1.2222309 1.01749008
##  [536,] 1.2835646 0.63317336
##  [537,] 0.7093720 0.41070668
##  [538,] 1.9728403 1.24053844
##  [539,] 1.1759590 1.34327685
##  [540,] 1.1334995 2.29717735
##  [541,] 0.5597736 0.80365050
##  [542,] 0.8628270 2.18391311
##  [543,] 1.0882726 0.23109391
##  [544,] 0.6462586 1.92913387
##  [545,] 1.0964461 1.32362761
##  [546,] 1.4883107 1.52824533
##  [547,] 0.9425796 0.85256355
##  [548,] 0.8156692 1.17420337
##  [549,] 1.3709601 1.76308330
##  [550,] 0.7998989 0.60009149
##  [551,] 1.1644218 0.99234329
##  [552,] 0.9521748 0.65166021
##  [553,] 1.5160259 0.82291667
##  [554,] 1.0270599 1.14838124
##  [555,] 0.6650235 0.97053886
##  [556,] 0.6941643 0.37243516
##  [557,] 0.6059180 0.72065664
##  [558,] 1.4736556 1.99828353
##  [559,] 1.5632961 0.79161819
##  [560,] 1.6506321 0.52065148
##  [561,] 0.8987973 1.03386674
##  [562,] 1.5999100 1.09541304
##  [563,] 1.6499875 0.94294638
##  [564,] 2.1977576 0.47777041
##  [565,] 1.7149846 1.26052839
##  [566,] 0.6909844 1.11851775
##  [567,] 0.9084368 0.91727704
##  [568,] 1.5132242 1.09965041
##  [569,] 0.8268782 0.37365889
##  [570,] 0.7236254 0.20079560
##  [571,] 1.0127392 0.65364606
##  [572,] 0.8665130 1.97563799
##  [573,] 0.8214295 0.57913885
##  [574,] 1.0409466 1.17211506
##  [575,] 1.4722340 0.82896578
##  [576,] 0.9063910 1.31975334
##  [577,] 1.6012484 1.13366360
##  [578,] 1.0652507 0.64675186
##  [579,] 0.2560096 0.79152454
##  [580,] 0.9212990 0.91637675
##  [581,] 0.9765630 1.52128346
##  [582,] 1.1269429 0.80616560
##  [583,] 1.0579819 0.66749512
##  [584,] 0.9843757 0.15330493
##  [585,] 0.8050076 1.09661760
##  [586,] 0.7127697 0.69340984
##  [587,] 1.7848382 1.32805900
##  [588,] 0.5843713 0.81732330
##  [589,] 1.8642460 0.58201039
##  [590,] 1.1710262 1.83004908
##  [591,] 1.2190796 1.62474887
##  [592,] 1.4671631 0.42240324
##  [593,] 0.9912271 0.25846625
##  [594,] 0.8854594 1.18902854
##  [595,] 0.7107006 0.29439301
##  [596,] 0.9796125 0.89710748
##  [597,] 1.6404288 1.25579941
##  [598,] 0.7219896 0.80773044
##  [599,] 1.8101802 0.38837876
##  [600,] 0.8148713 0.88771104
##  [601,] 0.8901417 0.36594319
##  [602,] 1.3805386 0.39059287
##  [603,] 1.2423347 0.89072052
##  [604,] 0.8085874 1.34649496
##  [605,] 0.7324197 0.47387237
##  [606,] 0.8296322 1.14272939
##  [607,] 0.9581982 0.50120377
##  [608,] 1.6340489 0.65294311
##  [609,] 0.5797476 0.90626303
##  [610,] 1.0755741 1.03890082
##  [611,] 0.7288982 0.89491200
##  [612,] 0.9359585 1.23192617
##  [613,] 1.7201793 0.56154848
##  [614,] 1.6177320 0.62894380
##  [615,] 1.5366916 0.79874701
##  [616,] 1.2335096 0.35919356
##  [617,] 1.6454639 0.93628310
##  [618,] 0.8284709 1.02798730
##  [619,] 0.4517260 1.13568875
##  [620,] 0.8173306 2.00852879
##  [621,] 0.7366453 0.73216848
##  [622,] 1.3345530 0.56955129
##  [623,] 1.1154167 1.02734495
##  [624,] 0.6403605 0.41783438
##  [625,] 1.0394503 2.10612397
##  [626,] 0.7980853 0.44437543
##  [627,] 0.7856355 0.63672340
##  [628,] 1.9369054 4.18188242
##  [629,] 0.7925586 0.39619156
##  [630,] 0.9454898 0.70277811
##  [631,] 1.4790091 0.36848178
##  [632,] 1.8357507 0.34228332
##  [633,] 0.5132617 1.53471031
##  [634,] 1.9878506 2.15092830
##  [635,] 1.8914638 1.82277447
##  [636,] 1.3005615 0.76688387
##  [637,] 0.6326528 1.58548151
##  [638,] 0.6251044 1.02472280
##  [639,] 0.9828446 1.57245566
##  [640,] 1.1721122 1.17866651
##  [641,] 2.5873978 1.02934753
##  [642,] 0.6524322 2.52434615
##  [643,] 0.5855141 1.59252396
##  [644,] 1.0238643 0.83445289
##  [645,] 1.4436485 0.69051705
##  [646,] 0.4439376 0.40049460
##  [647,] 0.7013870 0.51008094
##  [648,] 1.6416343 0.58593403
##  [649,] 1.6603244 0.66945936
##  [650,] 0.7737036 0.53322450
##  [651,] 0.9650264 0.58296748
##  [652,] 1.1619597 0.98485660
##  [653,] 0.8942587 1.33208139
##  [654,] 0.7542762 0.65584182
##  [655,] 0.8273817 1.48986673
##  [656,] 0.9561734 1.43369211
##  [657,] 1.0984707 0.92798317
##  [658,] 0.5429216 0.60082053
##  [659,] 0.6615079 1.40821221
##  [660,] 1.2194520 0.71256038
##  [661,] 0.7546587 0.67810696
##  [662,] 1.1391690 1.57317371
##  [663,] 1.2630388 1.64130230
##  [664,] 0.9124970 0.55167096
##  [665,] 1.1023730 1.53750788
##  [666,] 1.4180320 0.35546435
##  [667,] 0.8076809 1.05358807
##  [668,] 1.1404703 0.96425399
##  [669,] 0.6227488 1.30818472
##  [670,] 0.7715472 0.40001147
##  [671,] 1.5124930 1.45686859
##  [672,] 1.2421551 2.30789780
##  [673,] 0.8690331 1.81391477
##  [674,] 1.0543007 0.41708062
##  [675,] 0.8435668 0.44357255
##  [676,] 1.0629607 1.51585087
##  [677,] 0.5922369 0.74136721
##  [678,] 0.8019473 0.77224229
##  [679,] 1.2501128 1.28763651
##  [680,] 0.8351733 1.82414261
##  [681,] 0.9478407 0.38457588
##  [682,] 0.3545234 0.76776433
##  [683,] 0.7497906 1.33751168
##  [684,] 0.4878910 0.17530569
##  [685,] 0.5932700 0.88062584
##  [686,] 0.6257983 1.22720453
##  [687,] 0.5986350 0.56563438
##  [688,] 0.8267029 1.01600198
##  [689,] 0.9507819 0.25773220
##  [690,] 0.8699451 0.98611339
##  [691,] 0.5950744 0.83183616
##  [692,] 0.5535604 1.14954414
##  [693,] 0.7007386 0.57952528
##  [694,] 0.6178633 1.50831561
##  [695,] 1.3239512 0.75950011
##  [696,] 1.3987148 1.14815301
##  [697,] 1.0159620 0.47816569
##  [698,] 0.7284469 1.77396161
##  [699,] 0.8938933 1.02192840
##  [700,] 0.7607588 0.34406807
##  [701,] 1.9560295 0.87261775
##  [702,] 0.9168741 1.49632044
##  [703,] 0.9553180 0.85058890
##  [704,] 1.5805771 0.77999563
##  [705,] 1.6093713 0.95878107
##  [706,] 0.7834773 1.02098641
##  [707,] 1.1471172 1.44541467
##  [708,] 0.4540114 0.48576378
##  [709,] 1.9850254 0.68238676
##  [710,] 1.0013860 0.83992692
##  [711,] 1.2912023 0.53404474
##  [712,] 1.9868597 1.54211795
##  [713,] 1.0133956 0.44294528
##  [714,] 1.1299563 1.12352738
##  [715,] 0.6239997 0.30592509
##  [716,] 1.2597942 0.47484347
##  [717,] 0.6377306 0.58293417
##  [718,] 0.7145270 0.71534360
##  [719,] 1.5245074 0.77742196
##  [720,] 0.8604560 0.42722585
##  [721,] 1.0250631 0.94431315
##  [722,] 0.5043084 1.62524266
##  [723,] 1.2233889 0.56538176
##  [724,] 0.9195425 1.07496445
##  [725,] 1.3065672 0.74668972
##  [726,] 0.6017845 0.43295748
##  [727,] 0.6292322 1.93304145
##  [728,] 0.6645895 0.90506139
##  [729,] 1.0370525 0.83511511
##  [730,] 1.3487661 0.94289922
##  [731,] 0.7240026 1.10813387
##  [732,] 0.4718213 1.87551454
##  [733,] 0.9944666 1.12157721
##  [734,] 0.9661874 0.77841698
##  [735,] 0.9407827 0.94478734
##  [736,] 1.5181115 0.96755605
##  [737,] 1.0861487 0.86111625
##  [738,] 0.6814118 3.05385408
##  [739,] 0.9482977 0.63038335
##  [740,] 0.9306620 0.66625435
##  [741,] 1.1508735 0.84649672
##  [742,] 1.2675839 0.92012869
##  [743,] 0.6834506 1.45330205
##  [744,] 1.5143191 0.31880034
##  [745,] 0.7137232 0.54559870
##  [746,] 1.0063173 2.19902076
##  [747,] 0.3965653 1.90413978
##  [748,] 1.8291876 2.16370708
##  [749,] 0.7090465 1.30993472
##  [750,] 0.8907871 2.28733647
##  [751,] 0.8699750 1.52031111
##  [752,] 0.7602984 2.00049630
##  [753,] 1.1909609 0.82478296
##  [754,] 1.4657535 0.89682536
##  [755,] 0.4725414 0.22447273
##  [756,] 1.6490548 0.58343126
##  [757,] 0.9413869 0.36074091
##  [758,] 1.4498713 1.03019044
##  [759,] 1.2375759 0.86547952
##  [760,] 0.9193135 1.29408591
##  [761,] 0.5771571 0.70259725
##  [762,] 0.9491589 1.22134232
##  [763,] 0.7235649 0.85166016
##  [764,] 0.5410474 0.72592391
##  [765,] 1.2319115 1.02541922
##  [766,] 1.4274635 1.41833337
##  [767,] 0.7957080 0.66642774
##  [768,] 0.5917500 0.27670856
##  [769,] 0.8486788 1.31599536
##  [770,] 0.6169780 0.76140694
##  [771,] 0.5996015 0.50340651
##  [772,] 0.7277137 0.87138947
##  [773,] 1.5698327 0.82215948
##  [774,] 0.8608864 1.46293119
##  [775,] 0.6647665 0.31986231
##  [776,] 1.6290902 0.53280367
##  [777,] 0.8655513 1.33921985
##  [778,] 1.4019251 0.26458114
##  [779,] 1.8297420 0.74024376
##  [780,] 1.1883039 0.64357600
##  [781,] 0.8684364 0.37717464
##  [782,] 0.9782983 0.80129507
##  [783,] 0.6238439 0.43358882
##  [784,] 1.3323997 0.54460076
##  [785,] 1.2017552 0.99595303
##  [786,] 0.4963368 0.76132299
##  [787,] 2.9405050 0.23439556
##  [788,] 0.7952164 2.57144416
##  [789,] 1.2546925 0.45443448
##  [790,] 0.9324109 1.03560029
##  [791,] 2.1734120 1.74761765
##  [792,] 1.1395664 1.07587413
##  [793,] 1.1394652 0.32758519
##  [794,] 1.0238373 0.25847345
##  [795,] 0.6711264 0.75496750
##  [796,] 0.8125245 0.73409889
##  [797,] 0.6825956 0.81450507
##  [798,] 1.2502209 2.16433193
##  [799,] 0.8710509 0.40158436
##  [800,] 0.8176545 1.01010220
##  [801,] 0.9998345 1.02776361
##  [802,] 1.5370206 0.72601096
##  [803,] 0.9978976 0.65335191
##  [804,] 0.7683641 0.57229276
##  [805,] 1.0969314 0.89035396
##  [806,] 1.1777961 1.13722497
##  [807,] 1.0037105 1.80154453
##  [808,] 1.2888395 1.90541547
##  [809,] 1.1125493 1.81919154
##  [810,] 0.6534811 4.13206487
##  [811,] 0.7059548 0.51270332
##  [812,] 1.6927398 0.62226572
##  [813,] 1.4917362 0.95479764
##  [814,] 0.7568100 2.52392640
##  [815,] 0.4332299 0.41458914
##  [816,] 1.3038428 0.67148336
##  [817,] 0.6654238 1.73693640
##  [818,] 0.6226148 1.83175958
##  [819,] 1.2886579 1.30836586
##  [820,] 0.6817998 0.76073197
##  [821,] 1.5190464 0.69891208
##  [822,] 0.7927665 1.02616794
##  [823,] 0.7207393 0.55893148
##  [824,] 1.3722153 0.41449675
##  [825,] 0.6847540 1.30796215
##  [826,] 1.2708533 1.25506678
##  [827,] 0.9701445 1.90515580
##  [828,] 0.7946362 1.12439047
##  [829,] 0.8442446 0.67309974
##  [830,] 1.4013851 0.95543551
##  [831,] 1.1982387 1.30534280
##  [832,] 1.0662492 0.84689471
##  [833,] 1.2345292 2.02006640
##  [834,] 1.2409209 0.62990089
##  [835,] 0.4699213 1.90678208
##  [836,] 0.4353303 1.10362360
##  [837,] 0.4065671 0.62276542
##  [838,] 1.1821853 1.68761016
##  [839,] 0.7423076 0.88223074
##  [840,] 1.3922291 0.83107795
##  [841,] 0.9872968 0.41358690
##  [842,] 1.1640101 1.24507446
##  [843,] 1.2230356 1.32156622
##  [844,] 0.7346304 0.81759965
##  [845,] 0.9675008 0.84794097
##  [846,] 0.2980342 0.82192500
##  [847,] 0.8163188 2.07591575
##  [848,] 0.8644544 0.63777696
##  [849,] 1.2792576 1.15264767
##  [850,] 0.8981216 0.76016666
##  [851,] 0.7728509 0.75964400
##  [852,] 2.1304241 0.70694266
##  [853,] 0.5945976 0.62526587
##  [854,] 1.7130342 1.23462044
##  [855,] 0.8712119 1.16131277
##  [856,] 1.1970056 0.98527057
##  [857,] 0.6069538 1.11598565
##  [858,] 1.0419167 0.65549208
##  [859,] 0.7197137 0.44549738
##  [860,] 0.9528973 0.41792414
##  [861,] 1.4841738 1.29001847
##  [862,] 0.8689362 0.67111451
##  [863,] 0.4694707 0.86417011
##  [864,] 0.9496348 0.82919513
##  [865,] 1.9967742 0.27221558
##  [866,] 0.7268905 0.87527850
##  [867,] 1.0504223 0.38427903
##  [868,] 0.8659629 1.19837882
##  [869,] 2.4641232 1.80969054
##  [870,] 0.4597671 1.11602650
##  [871,] 1.1237199 0.79087277
##  [872,] 1.8705795 1.00932670
##  [873,] 1.2060647 0.47306640
##  [874,] 0.5903629 1.85772154
##  [875,] 0.9254537 0.65488186
##  [876,] 1.5737251 1.07317929
##  [877,] 1.3714923 0.66803761
##  [878,] 0.7888457 1.32511561
##  [879,] 1.1428083 0.37643234
##  [880,] 0.9952552 0.52939704
##  [881,] 1.3074274 1.63848752
##  [882,] 0.5697533 1.60022278
##  [883,] 0.7272473 1.28984686
##  [884,] 0.8809793 1.07550857
##  [885,] 0.7932648 0.23076546
##  [886,] 0.6737258 0.36594250
##  [887,] 0.8286653 0.36390364
##  [888,] 1.1121391 1.90718114
##  [889,] 1.2961952 0.30017475
##  [890,] 0.4563531 0.43695480
##  [891,] 1.3936794 0.78549102
##  [892,] 1.3511735 1.65126750
##  [893,] 1.7417694 0.53419978
##  [894,] 1.0606282 1.10656493
##  [895,] 0.8665410 1.58838985
##  [896,] 0.7208128 1.04857034
##  [897,] 1.0779552 1.06686868
##  [898,] 1.5091876 0.42718878
##  [899,] 0.7517713 1.31610275
##  [900,] 1.0928493 1.85331555
##  [901,] 0.7271310 1.64483017
##  [902,] 1.1622049 0.89520336
##  [903,] 1.5143047 1.16098743
##  [904,] 0.8342278 2.34222733
##  [905,] 1.1645357 0.57855718
##  [906,] 0.8935149 0.53379762
##  [907,] 0.8889430 1.58445771
##  [908,] 0.7996588 1.71423389
##  [909,] 1.0609418 1.17259754
##  [910,] 0.7152316 1.36031688
##  [911,] 1.2182367 0.63905704
##  [912,] 0.7120088 0.62793812
##  [913,] 1.0610500 1.15609908
##  [914,] 1.5639122 1.18423949
##  [915,] 0.4644116 0.67447712
##  [916,] 1.0376288 0.53735065
##  [917,] 0.6104388 0.51254913
##  [918,] 0.8120774 2.37832387
##  [919,] 1.1650104 0.61278652
##  [920,] 0.5433542 1.29394994
##  [921,] 1.4880376 0.76281827
##  [922,] 0.9116112 0.98179425
##  [923,] 1.4045044 0.43077253
##  [924,] 0.7741703 0.60425727
##  [925,] 0.7016026 0.62509517
##  [926,] 0.8111239 0.89328913
##  [927,] 0.6263828 0.57730410
##  [928,] 0.9005575 0.53503452
##  [929,] 0.8245573 0.71955285
##  [930,] 0.7336173 1.56712831
##  [931,] 1.1403295 1.75125492
##  [932,] 0.7207910 1.83048095
##  [933,] 0.6334206 0.56450732
##  [934,] 2.1726911 0.22841207
##  [935,] 0.5590524 0.66877594
##  [936,] 1.6411651 0.42193534
##  [937,] 1.7886062 1.86934179
##  [938,] 0.6319271 1.72548227
##  [939,] 0.8864005 1.14340620
##  [940,] 0.8545877 0.69356165
##  [941,] 0.8665172 0.50388313
##  [942,] 1.2142519 0.58516447
##  [943,] 1.5791129 0.71189078
##  [944,] 0.6995305 0.38932142
##  [945,] 1.4012472 0.38818707
##  [946,] 1.6756710 2.84250893
##  [947,] 1.2980745 1.22573640
##  [948,] 0.7812542 0.45253976
##  [949,] 0.6612159 1.88582339
##  [950,] 0.9066814 0.95709836
##  [951,] 1.0620743 1.24835088
##  [952,] 1.4383693 1.36931194
##  [953,] 1.6734733 2.06493796
##  [954,] 0.9820771 1.07760795
##  [955,] 1.0824610 0.89546916
##  [956,] 0.6076773 0.74429575
##  [957,] 1.1106382 0.60470531
##  [958,] 0.7375140 0.45665437
##  [959,] 1.4812775 0.24345309
##  [960,] 0.7597711 0.66479901
##  [961,] 0.9348882 1.88101359
##  [962,] 0.5683129 1.74407504
##  [963,] 1.2398335 1.12431938
##  [964,] 1.5848157 1.88529038
##  [965,] 0.8209194 1.58343085
##  [966,] 1.1251159 0.21865188
##  [967,] 0.9124771 1.75284863
##  [968,] 2.8911078 0.69488178
##  [969,] 1.7221705 0.62077510
##  [970,] 2.0562568 0.42664762
##  [971,] 1.4845690 0.35420440
##  [972,] 0.5468467 1.18689076
##  [973,] 0.7435401 0.37322234
##  [974,] 0.9700710 0.86866993
##  [975,] 1.1460167 1.36687125
##  [976,] 0.6023146 0.40082043
##  [977,] 1.4531492 0.47942158
##  [978,] 1.2459988 1.21412753
##  [979,] 0.7107660 0.71509753
##  [980,] 1.0515236 0.38844426
##  [981,] 0.9548321 1.31627826
##  [982,] 0.5411350 0.39525743
##  [983,] 0.8908697 2.52877229
##  [984,] 0.6059120 0.39416712
##  [985,] 1.0005552 1.16564603
##  [986,] 0.9063894 1.01430222
##  [987,] 0.6406938 0.70247428
##  [988,] 1.1166691 0.33820486
##  [989,] 0.8351770 0.91273884
##  [990,] 0.8716710 0.60042835
##  [991,] 0.9662992 1.27239273
##  [992,] 1.9983173 1.07775183
##  [993,] 1.0031705 1.18651036
##  [994,] 1.7032450 1.02501933
##  [995,] 1.4873095 0.66056383
##  [996,] 1.5929669 0.98300208
##  [997,] 1.9592538 1.03564187
##  [998,] 0.8350251 0.39235785
##  [999,] 1.4468407 2.37973722
## $model.matrix
##    (Intercept) factor1 factor2 shrub_density
## 1            1       1       0            11
## 2            1       1       0            14
## 3            1       0       1            13
## 4            1       1       0            12
## 5            1       0       1            12
## 6            1       1       0             8
## 7            1       0       1            10
## 8            1       1       0             9
## 9            1       0       1            10
## 10           1      -1      -1             5
## 11           1      -1      -1            10
## 12           1       0       1             9
## 13           1      -1      -1            12
## 14           1       0       1            12
## 15           1       1       0            10
## 16           1       0       1            16
## 17           1       1       0            22
## 18           1       0       1            22
## 19           1       1       0            30
## 20           1       0       1            28
## 21           1       1       0            26
## 22           1       0       1            28
## 23           1       1       0            28
## 24           1      -1      -1            24
## 25           1       0       1            28
## 26           1      -1      -1            18
## 27           1       0       1            12
## 28           1       1       0             8
## 29           1       0       1             8
## 30           1       1       0             5
## 31           1       0       1             6
## 32           1       1       0             7
## 33           1       0       1             6
## 34           1       1       0             3
## 35           1       0       1             1
## 36           1       1       0             1
## 37           1       0       1             0
## 38           1      -1      -1             9
## 39           1       0       1             8
## 40           1      -1      -1            10
## 41           1       0       1             8
## 42           1      -1      -1            11
## 43           1       0       1            10
## 44           1       1       0             0
## 45           1       0       1             0
## 46           1       1       0             0
## 47           1       0       1             0
## 48           1       1       0             0
## 49           1       0       1             0
## 50           1       1       0             0
## 51           1       0       1             0
## 52           1       1       0             0
## 53           1       0       1             0
## $terms
## pca_data_final ~ factor + shrub_density
## attr(,"variables")
## list(pca_data_final, factor, shrub_density)
## attr(,"factors")
##                factor shrub_density
## pca_data_final      0             0
## factor              1             0
## shrub_density       0             1
## attr(,"term.labels")
## [1] "factor"        "shrub_density"
## attr(,"order")
## [1] 1 1
## attr(,"intercept")
## [1] 1
## attr(,"response")
## [1] 1
## attr(,".Environment")
## <environment: R_GlobalEnv>
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "adonis"
dist_final <- vegdist(pca_data_final, species = "bray")
res_final <- pcoa(dist_final)
p02 <- as.data.frame(res_final$vectors)%>%
  dplyr::select(Axis.1, Axis.2) %>%

pcoa_final <- ggplot(p02, aes(Axis.1, Axis.2, group = factor)) +
  geom_point(aes(color = factor)) +
  geom_text(aes(label=site.number), hjust = 0, vjust = 0, check_overlap = TRUE, nudge_x = 0.01)+
  scale_color_brewer(palette = "Paired") + theme_classic() + theme(text = element_text(size = 12), panel.border = element_rect(color = "black", fill = NA, size = 1.5), axis.text = element_text(size = 10)) + 
  labs(color = "Microsite") + theme(aspect.ratio = 1)

pcoa_final2 <- ggplot(p02, aes(Axis.1, Axis.2, group = shrub_density)) +
  geom_point(aes(color = factor)) +
  geom_text(aes(label=site.number), hjust = 0, vjust = 0, check_overlap = TRUE, nudge_x = 0.01)+
  scale_color_brewer(palette = "Paired") + theme_classic() + theme(text = element_text(size = 12), panel.border = element_rect(color = "black", fill = NA, size = 1.5), axis.text = element_text(size = 10)) + 
  labs(color = "Microsite") + theme(aspect.ratio = 1)


model020 <- betadisper(dist_final, env_final$factor)
##  Homogeneity of multivariate dispersions
## Call: betadisper(d = dist_final, group = env_final$factor)
## No. of Positive Eigenvalues: 29
## No. of Negative Eigenvalues: 21
## Average distance to median:
##  mimic   open  shrub 
## 0.5574 0.5262 0.5339 
## Eigenvalues for PCoA axes:
## (Showing 8 of 50 eigenvalues)
##  PCoA1  PCoA2  PCoA3  PCoA4  PCoA5  PCoA6  PCoA7  PCoA8 
## 4.6259 3.6419 2.1983 1.7025 1.5594 0.8852 0.6750 0.4914
## Analysis of Variance Table
## Response: Distances
##           Df  Sum Sq   Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
## Groups     2 0.01109 0.0055448  0.2288 0.7963
## Residuals 50 1.21160 0.0242320
permutest(model020,pairwise = TRUE, permutations = 99)
## Permutation test for homogeneity of multivariate dispersions
## Permutation: free
## Number of permutations: 99
## Response: Distances
##           Df  Sum Sq   Mean Sq      F N.Perm Pr(>F)
## Groups     2 0.01109 0.0055448 0.2288     99   0.87
## Residuals 50 1.21160 0.0242320                     
## Pairwise comparisons:
## (Observed p-value below diagonal, permuted p-value above diagonal)
##         mimic    open shrub
## mimic         0.59000  0.61
## open  0.51802          0.96
## shrub 0.64556 0.91398
model020.HSD <- TukeyHSD(model020)
##   Tukey multiple comparisons of means
##     95% family-wise confidence level
## Fit: aov(formula = distances ~ group, data = df)
## $group
##                     diff        lwr        upr     p adj
## open-mimic  -0.031224995 -0.1440249 0.08157493 0.7826750
## shrub-mimic -0.023489283 -0.1807813 0.13380270 0.9308934
## shrub-open   0.007735711 -0.1449961 0.16046753 0.9917840
pcoa_boxplot <- boxplot(model020, xlab = "Microsite")

## $stats
##           [,1]      [,2]      [,3]
## [1,] 0.4166372 0.2596219 0.3879586
## [2,] 0.4627337 0.3549799 0.4123306
## [3,] 0.5371419 0.5150237 0.5264774
## [4,] 0.6368308 0.6875687 0.6456148
## [5,] 0.7901610 0.8104633 0.7143069
## $n
## [1] 20 25  8
## $conf
##           [,1]      [,2]      [,3]
## [1,] 0.4756336 0.4099256 0.3961615
## [2,] 0.5986502 0.6201218 0.6567933
## $out
## numeric(0)
## $group
## numeric(0)
## $names
## [1] "mimic" "open"  "shrub"
### Clean up and add abundance to df
photo <- read.csv("observations.csv")
colnames(tidy_20m)[4] <- "microsite_number"
tidy_20m <- tidy_20m %>%
  mutate(factor = str_to_title(factor))
df <- merge(Total_Observations_factors, tidy_20m, by = c("site_code", "factor", "microsite_number"))

colnames(df)[4] <- "abundance"
colnames(df)[5] <- "rep"
colnames(df)[10] <- "shrub_density"

df <- df %>%
df <- df %>%
  dplyr::select(rep, everything())
df <- df %>%
  dplyr::select(-abundance, everything())
### Calculate Richness across the tested sites
density_simple_2023 <- animals_density_final %>%
  group_by(site_code, factor, microsite_number) %>%
  summarise(animals = sum(captures), richness = n())
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'site_code', 'factor'. You can override
## using the `.groups` argument.
richness <- density_simple_2023 %>%

df <- merge(df, richness, by = c("site_code", "factor", "microsite_number"))
### Evenness Data
evenness_results <- animals_density_final %>%
  group_by(site_code, factor, microsite_number) %>%
  summarize(evenness = diversity(captures, index = "shannon")) ### This worked 100x better than Vegan!!!
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'site_code', 'factor'. You can override
## using the `.groups` argument.
df <- merge(df, evenness_results, by = c("site_code", "factor", "microsite_number"))

#write.csv(df, file = "Dataframe.csv")
df <- read.csv("Dataframe.csv")
### Handheld Temp Data
handheld_temp <- read.csv("Chapter5_Temp_Data.csv")
colnames(handheld_temp)[5] <- "microsite_number"
colnames(handheld_temp)[8] <- "ground_temp"

handheld_temp <- handheld_temp %>%
  group_by(site_code, factor, microsite_number ) %>%
  summarise(mean_ambient_temp = mean(temp), mean_rh = mean(rh), mean_ground_temp = mean(ground_temp))
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'site_code', 'factor'. You can override
## using the `.groups` argument.
handheld_temp <- handheld_temp %>%
  mutate(factor = str_to_title(factor))

df <- merge(df, handheld_temp, by = c("site_code", "factor", "microsite_number"))

colnames(df)[7] <- "pendant_ID"
colnames(df)[8] <- "shrub_density"
### Pendant Temp and test if temp is significant compared across factors
pendant_temp <- read.csv("Temp_Final.csv")
pendant_temp <- pendant_temp %>%
  group_by(site_code, factor, microsite_number) %>%
  summarise(mean_pendant_temp = mean(temp))
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'site_code', 'factor'. You can override
## using the `.groups` argument.
anova_result <- aov(mean_pendant_temp ~ factor, data = pendant_temp) ### Temp is significant.
##             Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)  
## factor       2  13.87   6.937   4.836 0.0187 *
## Residuals   21  30.12   1.434                 
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
emmeans_result <- emmeans(anova_result, pairwise ~ factor) ### Mimic Significantly cooler than open areas!
## $emmeans
##  factor emmean    SE df lower.CL upper.CL
##  Mimic    18.4 0.423 21     17.6     19.3
##  Open     20.4 0.453 21     19.4     21.3
##  Shrub    19.5 0.399 21     18.7     20.4
## Confidence level used: 0.95 
## $contrasts
##  contrast      estimate    SE df t.ratio p.value
##  Mimic - Open    -1.911 0.620 21  -3.083  0.0149
##  Mimic - Shrub   -1.100 0.582 21  -1.889  0.1665
##  Open - Shrub     0.811 0.604 21   1.344  0.3875
## P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates
### Final Data Frame
#write.csv(df, file = "tidy_mimic_experiment.csv")

Stats and Data Viz

### use df as final dataframe since it has all required data.
### First check if temp sig varies based off handheld logger.
df <- read.csv("tidy_mimic_2023.csv")
supp1.1 <- ggplot(df, aes(x = microsite, y = mean_ambient_temp, fill = microsite)) +
  geom_boxplot() + stat_summary(fun = mean, geom = "point", shape = 18, size = 2, fill = "black", position = position_dodge(width = 0.75 )) +
       x = "Microsite",
       y = "Ambient Temperature (°C)") + theme_classic() + labs(tag = "A", x = NULL) +
 scale_fill_manual(values = c("mimic" = "#a6cee3", "open" = "#1f78b4", "shrub" = "#b2df8a")) + theme(text = element_text(size = 12), panel.border = element_rect(color = "black", fill = NA, size = 1.5), axis.text = element_text(size = 10)) + theme(legend.position = "none") + theme(aspect.ratio = 1)


ambient_anova_result <- aov(mean_ambient_temp ~ microsite, data = df) ### Temp from handheld not significant
##             Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
## microsite    2    1.4   0.700   0.208  0.813
## Residuals   55  185.2   3.367
### Check Ground temp
supp1.2 <- ggplot(df, aes(x = microsite, y = mean_ground_temp, fill = microsite)) +
  geom_boxplot() + stat_summary(fun = mean, geom = "point", shape = 18, size = 2, position = position_dodge(width = 0.75 )) + labs(
       x = "Microsite",
       y = "Ground Temperature (°C)") + theme_classic() + labs(tag = "B") +
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("mimic" = "#a6cee3", "open" = "#1f78b4", "shrub" = "#b2df8a")) + theme(text = element_text(size = 12), panel.border = element_rect(color = "black", fill = NA, size = 1.5), axis.text = element_text(size = 10)) + theme(legend.position = "none") + theme(aspect.ratio = 1)


ground_anova_result <- aov(mean_ground_temp ~ microsite, data = df) ### Ground temp significantly varied
##             Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value   Pr(>F)    
## microsite    2   1050   525.2   26.56 8.46e-09 ***
## Residuals   55   1088    19.8                     
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
ground_emmeans_result <- emmeans(ground_anova_result, pairwise ~ microsite) 
## $emmeans
##  microsite emmean    SE df lower.CL upper.CL
##  mimic       34.5 0.994 55     32.5     36.4
##  open        34.9 0.826 55     33.3     36.6
##  shrub       23.0 1.482 55     20.0     26.0
## Confidence level used: 0.95 
## $contrasts
##  contrast      estimate   SE df t.ratio p.value
##  mimic - open    -0.496 1.29 55  -0.384  0.9222
##  mimic - shrub   11.444 1.78 55   6.412  <.0001
##  open - shrub    11.940 1.70 55   7.037  <.0001
## P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates
### Now Humidity
ggplot(df, aes(x = microsite, y = mean_rh)) +
  geom_boxplot() +
       x = "Factor",
       y = "Relative Humidity") + theme_classic()

rh_anova_result <- aov(mean_rh ~ microsite, data = df) ### Ground temp significantly varied
##             Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
## microsite    2   10.9    5.46   0.551   0.58
## Residuals   55  545.1    9.91
Supp1 <- (supp1.1 / supp1.2) +  plot_layout(guides = 'collect')


### Final findings from temp data so far. Loggers indicate that mimics were cooler than open areas and not significantly different from shrubs. Handheld ambient indicate no significance. Handheld ground indicates that the temperature under shrubs is cooler than mimic and open, with no signifiacne between open and mimics. Finally RH is not signicant across any of the factors.
### Now we test abundance with the factors.
# df now has factor = microsite and site_code has been edited to match regional.csv
library(AER) ### For testing overdispersion
## Loading required package: car
## Loading required package: carData
## Attaching package: 'car'
## The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
##     recode
## The following object is masked from 'package:purrr':
##     some
## Loading required package: lmtest
## Loading required package: zoo
## Attaching package: 'zoo'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     as.Date, as.Date.numeric
## Loading required package: sandwich
## Loading required package: survival
plot2.1 <- ggplot(df, aes(x = microsite, y = abundance, fill = microsite)) +
  geom_boxplot() + stat_summary(fun = mean, geom = "point", shape = 18, size = 2, position = position_dodge(width = 0.75 )) +
       x = "Microsite",
       y = "Abundance") + theme_classic() +  labs(tag = "A", x = NULL)+ 
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("mimic" = "#a6cee3", "open" = "#1f78b4", "shrub" = "#b2df8a")) + theme(text = element_text(size = 12), panel.border = element_rect(color = "black", fill = NA, size = 1.5), axis.text = element_text(size = 10)) + theme(aspect.ratio = 0.7) + theme(legend.position = "none") + theme(legend.text = element_text(size = 8))

hist(df$abundance, main = "Histogram of Response Variable") ### data is skewed.

##  Shapiro-Wilk normality test
## data:  df$abundance
## W = 0.56434, p-value = 7.41e-12
model1 <- glm(abundance~microsite + mean_ambient_temp + shrub_density, family = "poisson", data = df)
## Call:  glm(formula = abundance ~ microsite + mean_ambient_temp + shrub_density, 
##     family = "poisson", data = df)
## Coefficients:
##       (Intercept)      micrositeopen     micrositeshrub  mean_ambient_temp  
##           3.79435           -0.57841           -0.10553            0.03792  
##     shrub_density  
##          -0.11226  
## Degrees of Freedom: 57 Total (i.e. Null);  53 Residual
## Null Deviance:       4372 
## Residual Deviance: 3065  AIC: 3305
anova(model1, test = "Chisq")
## Analysis of Deviance Table
## Model: poisson, link: log
## Response: abundance
## Terms added sequentially (first to last)
##                   Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev  Pr(>Chi)    
## NULL                                 57     4372.1              
## microsite          2   241.77        55     4130.4 < 2.2e-16 ***
## mean_ambient_temp  1    14.07        54     4116.3 0.0001763 ***
## shrub_density      1  1051.79        53     3064.5 < 2.2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
abundance_emmeans_result <- emmeans(model1, pairwise ~ microsite)
## $emmeans
##  microsite emmean     SE  df asymp.LCL asymp.UCL
##  mimic       3.48 0.0418 Inf      3.40      3.57
##  open        2.91 0.0437 Inf      2.82      2.99
##  shrub       3.38 0.0650 Inf      3.25      3.51
## Results are given on the log (not the response) scale. 
## Confidence level used: 0.95 
## $contrasts
##  contrast      estimate     SE  df z.ratio p.value
##  mimic - open     0.578 0.0473 Inf  12.239  <.0001
##  mimic - shrub    0.106 0.0769 Inf   1.373  0.3553
##  open - shrub    -0.473 0.0779 Inf  -6.069  <.0001
## Results are given on the log (not the response) scale. 
## P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates
dispersion_test_abundance <- dispersiontest(model1)
##  Overdispersion test
## data:  model1
## z = 2.1079, p-value = 0.01752
## alternative hypothesis: true dispersion is greater than 1
## sample estimates:
## dispersion 
##   80.94488
### Richness Data
plot2.2 <- ggplot(df, aes(x = microsite, y = richness, fill = microsite)) +
  geom_boxplot() + stat_summary(fun = mean, geom = "point", shape = 18, size = 2, position = position_dodge(width = 0.75 )) +
       x = "Microsite",
       y = "Richness") + theme_classic() +  labs(tag = "B", x = NULL)+
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("mimic" = "#a6cee3", "open" = "#1f78b4", "shrub" = "#b2df8a")) + theme(text = element_text(size = 12), panel.border = element_rect(color = "black", fill = NA, size = 1.5), axis.text = element_text(size = 10)) + theme(aspect.ratio = 0.7) + theme(legend.position = "none") + theme(legend.text = element_text(size = 8))

hist(df$richness, main = "Histogram of Response Variable") ### data is skewed.

##  Shapiro-Wilk normality test
## data:  df$richness
## W = 0.93675, p-value = 0.004686
model2 <- glm(richness~microsite + mean_ambient_temp + shrub_density, family = "poisson", data = df)
## Call:  glm(formula = richness ~ microsite + mean_ambient_temp + shrub_density, 
##     family = "poisson", data = df)
## Coefficients:
##       (Intercept)      micrositeopen     micrositeshrub  mean_ambient_temp  
##           0.68567           -0.51958           -0.46319            0.04118  
##     shrub_density  
##          -0.02223  
## Degrees of Freedom: 57 Total (i.e. Null);  53 Residual
## Null Deviance:       93.5 
## Residual Deviance: 73.72     AIC: 238.7
anova(model2, test = "Chisq")
## Analysis of Deviance Table
## Model: poisson, link: log
## Response: richness
## Terms added sequentially (first to last)
##                   Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev Pr(>Chi)   
## NULL                                 57     93.497            
## microsite          2  12.1743        55     81.322 0.002272 **
## mean_ambient_temp  1   1.8426        54     79.480 0.174641   
## shrub_density      1   5.7622        53     73.718 0.016374 * 
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
richness_emmeans_result <- emmeans(model2, pairwise ~ microsite)
## $emmeans
##  microsite emmean    SE  df asymp.LCL asymp.UCL
##  mimic      1.398 0.112 Inf     1.179      1.62
##  open       0.879 0.119 Inf     0.645      1.11
##  shrub      0.935 0.214 Inf     0.516      1.35
## Results are given on the log (not the response) scale. 
## Confidence level used: 0.95 
## $contrasts
##  contrast      estimate    SE  df z.ratio p.value
##  mimic - open    0.5196 0.161 Inf   3.226  0.0036
##  mimic - shrub   0.4632 0.243 Inf   1.903  0.1379
##  open - shrub   -0.0564 0.246 Inf  -0.229  0.9714
## Results are given on the log (not the response) scale. 
## P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates
dispersion_test_richness <- dispersiontest(model2)
print(dispersion_test_richness) ### Non sig p-value so should be good
##  Overdispersion test
## data:  model2
## z = 0.78055, p-value = 0.2175
## alternative hypothesis: true dispersion is greater than 1
## sample estimates:
## dispersion 
##   1.119264
### Evenness
plot2.3 <- ggplot(df, aes(x = microsite, y = evenness, fill = microsite )) +
  geom_boxplot() + stat_summary(fun = mean, geom = "point", shape = 18, size = 2, position = position_dodge(width = 0.75 )) +
       x = "Microsite",
       y = "Evenness") + theme_classic() + labs(tag = "C") +
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("mimic" = "#a6cee3", "open" = "#1f78b4", "shrub" = "#b2df8a")) + theme(text = element_text(size = 12), panel.border = element_rect(color = "black", fill = NA, size = 1.5), axis.text = element_text(size = 10)) + theme(aspect.ratio = 0.7) + theme(legend.position = "none") + theme(legend.text = element_text(size = 8))


hist(df$evenness, main = "Histogram of Response Variable") ### data is skewed.

##  Shapiro-Wilk normality test
## data:  df$evenness
## W = 0.91115, p-value = 0.0004352
model3 <- glm(evenness~microsite + mean_ambient_temp + shrub_density, family = "poisson", data = df)
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.380957
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.894750
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.045153
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.916350
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.644695
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.348832
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.325083
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.843220
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.578648
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.474139
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.631975
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.203575
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.791702
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.119247
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.485104
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.731271
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.193550
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.659872
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.250558
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.374569
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.655243
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.481154
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.223718
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.693147
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.692421
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.126784
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.949594
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.950271
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.332179
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.781074
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.039721
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.867563
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.011404
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.983088
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.073543
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.450561
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.693147
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.213008
## Call:  glm(formula = evenness ~ microsite + mean_ambient_temp + shrub_density, 
##     family = "poisson", data = df)
## Coefficients:
##       (Intercept)      micrositeopen     micrositeshrub  mean_ambient_temp  
##         -0.445437          -0.545571          -1.070068           0.010256  
##     shrub_density  
##          0.002026  
## Degrees of Freedom: 57 Total (i.e. Null);  53 Residual
## Null Deviance:       29.23 
## Residual Deviance: 25.21     AIC: Inf
anova(model3, test = "Chisq")
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.380957
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.894750
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.045153
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.916350
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.644695
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.348832
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.325083
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.843220
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.578648
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.474139
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.631975
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.203575
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.791702
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.119247
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.485104
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.731271
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.193550
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.659872
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.250558
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.374569
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.655243
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.481154
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.223718
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.693147
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.692421
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.126784
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.949594
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.950271
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.332179
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.781074
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.039721
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.867563
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.011404
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.983088
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.073543
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.450561
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.693147
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.213008
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.380957
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.894750
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.045153
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.916350
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.644695
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.348832
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.325083
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.843220
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.578648
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.474139
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.631975
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.203575
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.791702
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.119247
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.485104
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.731271
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.193550
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.659872
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.250558
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.374569
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.655243
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.481154
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.223718
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.693147
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.692421
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.126784
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.949594
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.950271
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.332179
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.781074
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.039721
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.867563
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.011404
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.983088
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.073543
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.450561
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.693147
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.213008
## Analysis of Deviance Table
## Model: poisson, link: log
## Response: evenness
## Terms added sequentially (first to last)
##                   Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev Pr(>Chi)
## NULL                                 57     29.230         
## microsite          2   4.0028        55     25.227   0.1351
## mean_ambient_temp  1   0.0103        54     25.216   0.9190
## shrub_density      1   0.0106        53     25.206   0.9181
evenness_emmeans_result <- emmeans(model3, pairwise ~ microsite)
## $emmeans
##  microsite emmean    SE  df asymp.LCL asymp.UCL
##  mimic     -0.188 0.247 Inf    -0.672    0.2958
##  open      -0.734 0.268 Inf    -1.259   -0.2083
##  shrub     -1.258 0.626 Inf    -2.484   -0.0322
## Results are given on the log (not the response) scale. 
## Confidence level used: 0.95 
## $contrasts
##  contrast      estimate    SE  df z.ratio p.value
##  mimic - open     0.546 0.365 Inf   1.495  0.2935
##  mimic - shrub    1.070 0.674 Inf   1.588  0.2509
##  open - shrub     0.524 0.680 Inf   0.771  0.7209
## Results are given on the log (not the response) scale. 
## P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates
dispersion_test_evenness <- dispersiontest(model3)
##  Overdispersion test
## data:  model3
## z = -6.1775, p-value = 1
## alternative hypothesis: true dispersion is greater than 1
## sample estimates:
## dispersion 
##  0.3522632
Fig2 <- (plot2.1 / plot2.2 / plot2.3) +  plot_layout(guides = 'collect')


### Abundance v Shrub Density  (Shrub density on its own is significant but not between microsites)
model7 <- glm(abundance~microsite*shrub_density, data = df) ### It is NOT poisson for this distribution! It is gaussian!
model7 ### Need to run the model this way because the figures show that microsite and temp interaction is not significant.
## Call:  glm(formula = abundance ~ microsite * shrub_density, data = df)
## Coefficients:
##                  (Intercept)                 micrositeopen  
##                       94.682                       -52.430  
##               micrositeshrub                 shrub_density  
##                      -39.787                        -4.256  
##  micrositeopen:shrub_density  micrositeshrub:shrub_density  
##                        2.792                         2.059  
## Degrees of Freedom: 57 Total (i.e. Null);  52 Residual
## Null Deviance:       256400 
## Residual Deviance: 208400    AIC: 653.4
anova(model7, test = "Chisq")
## Analysis of Deviance Table
## Model: gaussian, link: identity
## Response: abundance
## Terms added sequentially (first to last)
##                         Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev Pr(>Chi)   
## NULL                                       57     256391            
## microsite                2   9191.4        55     247199 0.317706   
## shrub_density            1  31068.7        54     216131 0.005366 **
## microsite:shrub_density  2   7715.0        52     208416 0.381954   
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
abundance_density <- ggplot(df, aes(shrub_density, abundance, color = microsite)) +
  geom_point(size = 0.5) +
  scale_color_brewer(palette = "Paired") +
  labs(x = "Shrub Density", y = "Abundance") + theme_classic() + theme(text = element_text(size = 12), panel.border = element_rect(color = "black", fill = NA, size = 1.5), axis.text = element_text(size = 10)) +
  geom_smooth(method = lm, se = TRUE) + labs(tag = "A", x = NULL) + theme(legend.position = "none") + theme(aspect.ratio = 0.8)
## `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'

### richness v density (Again, significant shrub density but not the interactio with microsite!)
model8 <- glm(richness~microsite*shrub_density, data = df) ### It is NOT poisson for this distribution! It is gaussian!
## Call:  glm(formula = richness ~ microsite * shrub_density, data = df)
## Coefficients:
##                  (Intercept)                 micrositeopen  
##                      5.05346                      -1.99806  
##               micrositeshrub                 shrub_density  
##                     -2.18201                      -0.08799  
##  micrositeopen:shrub_density  micrositeshrub:shrub_density  
##                      0.03263                       0.05514  
## Degrees of Freedom: 57 Total (i.e. Null);  52 Residual
## Null Deviance:       251.7 
## Residual Deviance: 191.8     AIC: 248
anova(model8, test = "Chisq")
## Analysis of Deviance Table
## Model: gaussian, link: identity
## Response: richness
## Terms added sequentially (first to last)
##                         Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev Pr(>Chi)   
## NULL                                       57     251.72            
## microsite                2   39.061        55     212.66 0.005015 **
## shrub_density            1   19.474        54     193.19 0.021571 * 
## microsite:shrub_density  2    1.404        52     191.78 0.826641   
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
richness_density <- ggplot(df, aes(shrub_density, richness, color = microsite)) +
  geom_point(size = 0.5) +
  scale_color_brewer(palette = "Paired") +
  labs(x = "Shrub Density", y = "Richness") + theme_classic() + theme(text = element_text(size = 12), panel.border = element_rect(color = "black", fill = NA, size = 1.5), axis.text = element_text(size = 10)) +
  geom_smooth(method = lm, se = TRUE) + labs(tag = "B", x = NULL) + theme(legend.position = "none") + theme(aspect.ratio = 0.8)
## `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'

### Evenness v density (Density is not significant for evenness)
model9 <- glm(evenness~microsite*shrub_density, data = df) ### It is NOT poisson for this distribution! It is gaussian!
## Call:  glm(formula = evenness ~ microsite * shrub_density, data = df)
## Coefficients:
##                  (Intercept)                 micrositeopen  
##                     0.892735                     -0.452855  
##               micrositeshrub                 shrub_density  
##                    -1.025832                     -0.006926  
##  micrositeopen:shrub_density  micrositeshrub:shrub_density  
##                     0.010858                      0.039157  
## Degrees of Freedom: 57 Total (i.e. Null);  52 Residual
## Null Deviance:       12.57 
## Residual Deviance: 9.896     AIC: 76.04
anova(model9, test = "Chisq")
## Analysis of Deviance Table
## Model: gaussian, link: identity
## Response: evenness
## Terms added sequentially (first to last)
##                         Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev Pr(>Chi)   
## NULL                                       57    12.5653            
## microsite                2  2.26450        55    10.3008 0.002607 **
## shrub_density            1  0.00506        54    10.2957 0.870414   
## microsite:shrub_density  2  0.39961        52     9.8961 0.349977   
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
evenness_density <- ggplot(df, aes(shrub_density, evenness, color = microsite)) +
  geom_point(size = 0.5) +
  scale_color_brewer(palette = "Paired") +
  labs(x = "Shrub Density per 20m radius", y = "Evenness") + theme_classic() + theme(text = element_text(size = 12), panel.border = element_rect(color = "black", fill = NA, size = 1.5), axis.text = element_text(size = 10)) +
  geom_smooth(method = lm, se = TRUE) + labs(tag = "C") + theme(legend.position = "none") + theme(aspect.ratio = 0.8)
## `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'

density <- (abundance_density/richness_density/evenness_density) +  plot_layout(guides = 'collect') + theme(legend.position = 'right') + labs(color = "Microsite")

## `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'
## `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'
## `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'

# Abundance v Ambient temp (No significance)
model4 <- glm(abundance~microsite*mean_ambient_temp + shrub_density, family = "poisson", data = df)
model4 ### Need to run the model this way because the figures show that microsite and temp interaction is not significant.
## Call:  glm(formula = abundance ~ microsite * mean_ambient_temp + shrub_density, 
##     family = "poisson", data = df)
## Coefficients:
##                      (Intercept)                     micrositeopen  
##                           7.9117                          -12.3693  
##                   micrositeshrub                 mean_ambient_temp  
##                         -23.2666                           -0.1471  
##                    shrub_density   micrositeopen:mean_ambient_temp  
##                          -0.1053                            0.5064  
## micrositeshrub:mean_ambient_temp  
##                           0.9781  
## Degrees of Freedom: 57 Total (i.e. Null);  51 Residual
## Null Deviance:       4372 
## Residual Deviance: 2363  AIC: 2607
anova(model4, test = "Chisq")
## Analysis of Deviance Table
## Model: poisson, link: log
## Response: abundance
## Terms added sequentially (first to last)
##                             Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev  Pr(>Chi)    
## NULL                                           57     4372.1              
## microsite                    2   241.77        55     4130.4 < 2.2e-16 ***
## mean_ambient_temp            1    14.07        54     4116.3 0.0001763 ***
## shrub_density                1  1051.79        53     3064.5 < 2.2e-16 ***
## microsite:mean_ambient_temp  2   701.77        51     2362.7 < 2.2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
emmeans(model4, pairwise~microsite|mean_ambient_temp)
## $emmeans
## mean_ambient_temp = 23:
##  microsite emmean     SE  df asymp.LCL asymp.UCL
##  mimic       3.42 0.0443 Inf      3.33      3.51
##  open        2.70 0.0502 Inf      2.60      2.79
##  shrub       2.65 0.1129 Inf      2.42      2.87
## Results are given on the log (not the response) scale. 
## Confidence level used: 0.95 
## $contrasts
## mean_ambient_temp = 23:
##  contrast      estimate     SE  df z.ratio p.value
##  mimic - open    0.7237 0.0556 Inf  13.018  <.0001
##  mimic - shrub   0.7734 0.1224 Inf   6.317  <.0001
##  open - shrub    0.0498 0.1246 Inf   0.400  0.9157
## Results are given on the log (not the response) scale. 
## P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates
abundance_ambient <- ggplot(df, aes(mean_ambient_temp, abundance, color = microsite)) +
  geom_point(size = 0.5) +
  scale_color_brewer(palette = "Paired") +
  labs(x = "Ambient Temperature (°C)", y = "Abundance") + theme_classic() + theme(text = element_text(size = 12), panel.border = element_rect(color = "black", fill = NA, size = 1.5), axis.text = element_text(size = 10)) +
  geom_smooth(method = lm, se = TRUE) + labs(tag = "A") + labs(x = NULL) + theme(legend.position = "none") + theme(aspect.ratio = 0.8)
## `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'

### Richness v Ambient temperature

model5 <- glm(richness~microsite*mean_ambient_temp + shrub_density, family = "poisson", data = df)
model5 ### Need to run the model this way because the figures show that microsite and temp interaction is not significant.
## Call:  glm(formula = richness ~ microsite * mean_ambient_temp + shrub_density, 
##     family = "poisson", data = df)
## Coefficients:
##                      (Intercept)                     micrositeopen  
##                         1.723809                         -2.551620  
##                   micrositeshrub                 mean_ambient_temp  
##                       -10.862741                         -0.004581  
##                    shrub_density   micrositeopen:mean_ambient_temp  
##                        -0.020931                          0.087898  
## micrositeshrub:mean_ambient_temp  
##                         0.443273  
## Degrees of Freedom: 57 Total (i.e. Null);  51 Residual
## Null Deviance:       93.5 
## Residual Deviance: 66.48     AIC: 235.4
anova(model5, test = "Chisq")
## Analysis of Deviance Table
## Model: poisson, link: log
## Response: richness
## Terms added sequentially (first to last)
##                             Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev Pr(>Chi)   
## NULL                                           57     93.497            
## microsite                    2  12.1743        55     81.322 0.002272 **
## mean_ambient_temp            1   1.8426        54     79.480 0.174641   
## shrub_density                1   5.7622        53     73.718 0.016374 * 
## microsite:mean_ambient_temp  2   7.2411        51     66.476 0.026768 * 
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
emmeans(model5, pairwise~microsite|mean_ambient_temp) ### Higher richness at mimic microsites than shrub and open sites
## $emmeans
## mean_ambient_temp = 23:
##  microsite emmean    SE  df asymp.LCL asymp.UCL
##  mimic      1.398 0.112 Inf     1.178      1.62
##  open       0.868 0.122 Inf     0.629      1.11
##  shrub      0.729 0.256 Inf     0.227      1.23
## Results are given on the log (not the response) scale. 
## Confidence level used: 0.95 
## $contrasts
## mean_ambient_temp = 23:
##  contrast      estimate    SE  df z.ratio p.value
##  mimic - open     0.530 0.164 Inf   3.243  0.0034
##  mimic - shrub    0.669 0.282 Inf   2.375  0.0462
##  open - shrub     0.139 0.285 Inf   0.487  0.8775
## Results are given on the log (not the response) scale. 
## P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates
richness_ambient <- ggplot(df, aes(mean_ambient_temp, richness, color = microsite)) +
  geom_point(size = 0.5) +
  scale_color_brewer(palette = "Paired") +
  labs(x = "Ambient Temperature (°C)", y = "Richness") + theme_classic() + theme(text = element_text(size = 12), panel.border = element_rect(color = "black", fill = NA, size = 1.5), axis.text = element_text(size = 10)) +
  geom_smooth(method = lm, se = TRUE) + labs(tag = "B", x = NULL) + theme(legend.position = "none") + theme(aspect.ratio = 0.8)
## `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'

### Evenness v ambient temperature (No significance)
model6 <- glm(evenness~microsite*mean_ambient_temp + shrub_density, family = "poisson", data = df)
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.380957
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.894750
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.045153
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.916350
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.644695
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.348832
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.325083
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.843220
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.578648
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.474139
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.631975
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.203575
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.791702
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.119247
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.485104
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.731271
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.193550
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.659872
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.250558
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.374569
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.655243
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.481154
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.223718
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.693147
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.692421
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.126784
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.949594
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.950271
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.332179
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.781074
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.039721
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.867563
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.011404
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.983088
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.073543
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.450561
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.693147
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.213008
model6 ### Need to run the model this way because the figures show that microsite and temp interaction is not significant.
## Call:  glm(formula = evenness ~ microsite * mean_ambient_temp + shrub_density, 
##     family = "poisson", data = df)
## Coefficients:
##                      (Intercept)                     micrositeopen  
##                         0.274827                         -2.296530  
##                   micrositeshrub                 mean_ambient_temp  
##                        -8.966668                         -0.021756  
##                    shrub_density   micrositeopen:mean_ambient_temp  
##                         0.002833                          0.076108  
## micrositeshrub:mean_ambient_temp  
##                         0.338872  
## Degrees of Freedom: 57 Total (i.e. Null);  51 Residual
## Null Deviance:       29.23 
## Residual Deviance: 24.67     AIC: Inf
anova(model6, test = "Chisq")
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.380957
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.894750
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.045153
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.916350
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.644695
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.348832
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.325083
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.843220
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.578648
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.474139
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.631975
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.203575
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.791702
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.119247
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.485104
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.731271
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.193550
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.659872
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.250558
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.374569
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.655243
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.481154
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.223718
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.693147
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.692421
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.126784
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.949594
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.950271
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.332179
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.781074
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.039721
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.867563
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.011404
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.983088
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.073543
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.450561
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.693147
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.213008
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.380957
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.894750
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.045153
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.916350
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.644695
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.348832
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.325083
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.843220
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.578648
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.474139
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.631975
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.203575
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.791702
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.119247
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.485104
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.731271
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.193550
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.659872
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.250558
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.374569
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.655243
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.481154
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.223718
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.693147
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.692421
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.126784
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.949594
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.950271
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.332179
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.781074
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.039721
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.867563
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.011404
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.983088
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.073543
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.450561
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.693147
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.213008
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.380957
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.894750
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.045153
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.916350
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.644695
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.348832
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.325083
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.843220
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.578648
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.474139
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.631975
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.203575
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.791702
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.119247
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.485104
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.731271
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.193550
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.659872
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.250558
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.374569
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.655243
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.481154
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.223718
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.693147
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.692421
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.126784
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.949594
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.950271
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.332179
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.781074
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.039721
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.867563
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.011404
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.983088
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.073543
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.450561
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.693147
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.213008
## Analysis of Deviance Table
## Model: poisson, link: log
## Response: evenness
## Terms added sequentially (first to last)
##                             Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev Pr(>Chi)
## NULL                                           57     29.230         
## microsite                    2   4.0028        55     25.227   0.1351
## mean_ambient_temp            1   0.0103        54     25.216   0.9190
## shrub_density                1   0.0106        53     25.206   0.9181
## microsite:mean_ambient_temp  2   0.5341        51     24.672   0.7657
evenness_ambient <- ggplot(df, aes(mean_ambient_temp, evenness, color = microsite)) +
  geom_point(size = 0.5) +
  scale_color_brewer(palette = "Paired") +
  labs(x = "Ambient Temperature (°C)", y = "Evenness") + theme_classic() + theme(text = element_text(size = 12), panel.border = element_rect(color = "black", fill = NA, size = 1.5), axis.text = element_text(size = 10)) +
  geom_smooth(method = lm, se = TRUE) + labs(tag = "C") + theme(aspect.ratio = 0.8)
## `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'

ambient <- (abundance_ambient / richness_ambient / evenness_ambient) +
  plot_layout(guides = 'collect') + 
  theme(legend.position = 'right') + labs(color = "Microsite")

## `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'
## `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'
## `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'

### Abundance v ground temp (Need second opinion on this one!)
model10 <- glm(abundance~microsite*mean_ground_temp, family = poisson, data = df) 
## Call:  glm(formula = abundance ~ microsite * mean_ground_temp, family = poisson, 
##     data = df)
## Coefficients:
##                     (Intercept)                    micrositeopen  
##                         2.11764                          0.12080  
##                  micrositeshrub                 mean_ground_temp  
##                         3.64664                          0.05299  
##  micrositeopen:mean_ground_temp  micrositeshrub:mean_ground_temp  
##                        -0.02285                         -0.16287  
## Degrees of Freedom: 57 Total (i.e. Null);  52 Residual
## Null Deviance:       4372 
## Residual Deviance: 4033  AIC: 4276
anova(model10, test = "Chisq")
## Analysis of Deviance Table
## Model: poisson, link: log
## Response: abundance
## Terms added sequentially (first to last)
##                            Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev  Pr(>Chi)    
## NULL                                          57     4372.1              
## microsite                   2  241.766        55     4130.4 < 2.2e-16 ***
## mean_ground_temp            1   61.043        54     4069.3 5.585e-15 ***
## microsite:mean_ground_temp  2   35.921        52     4033.4 1.585e-08 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
emmeans(model10, pairwise~microsite|mean_ground_temp)
## $emmeans
## mean_ground_temp = 32.9:
##  microsite emmean     SE  df asymp.LCL asymp.UCL
##  mimic       3.86 0.0358 Inf      3.79      3.93
##  open        3.23 0.0421 Inf      3.15      3.31
##  shrub       2.15 0.2886 Inf      1.58      2.71
## Results are given on the log (not the response) scale. 
## Confidence level used: 0.95 
## $contrasts
## mean_ground_temp = 32.9:
##  contrast      estimate     SE  df z.ratio p.value
##  mimic - open     0.631 0.0553 Inf  11.425  <.0001
##  mimic - shrub    1.716 0.2908 Inf   5.899  <.0001
##  open - shrub     1.084 0.2916 Inf   3.717  0.0006
## Results are given on the log (not the response) scale. 
## P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates
abundance_ground <- ggplot(df, aes(mean_ground_temp, abundance, color = microsite)) +
  geom_point(size = 0.5) +
  scale_color_brewer(palette = "Paired") +
  labs(x = "Ground Temperature (°C)", y = "Abundance") + theme_classic() + theme(text = element_text(size = 12), panel.border = element_rect(color = "black", fill = NA, size = 1.5),legend.title = element_blank(), axis.text = element_text(size = 10)) +
  geom_smooth(method = lm, se = TRUE)  + labs(tag = "A", x = NULL) + theme(legend.position = "none") + theme(aspect.ratio = 0.8)
## `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'

model11 <- glm(richness~microsite*mean_ground_temp, family = poisson, data = df)
## Call:  glm(formula = richness ~ microsite * mean_ground_temp, family = poisson, 
##     data = df)
## Coefficients:
##                     (Intercept)                    micrositeopen  
##                       0.6908803                       -0.5632701  
##                  micrositeshrub                 mean_ground_temp  
##                       1.2458992                        0.0214299  
##  micrositeopen:mean_ground_temp  micrositeshrub:mean_ground_temp  
##                       0.0008181                       -0.0670169  
## Degrees of Freedom: 57 Total (i.e. Null);  52 Residual
## Null Deviance:       93.5 
## Residual Deviance: 79.5  AIC: 246.5
anova(model11, test = "Chisq")
## Analysis of Deviance Table
## Model: poisson, link: log
## Response: richness
## Terms added sequentially (first to last)
##                            Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev Pr(>Chi)   
## NULL                                          57     93.497            
## microsite                   2  12.1743        55     81.322 0.002272 **
## mean_ground_temp            1   1.2781        54     80.044 0.258258   
## microsite:mean_ground_temp  2   0.5461        52     79.498 0.761073   
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
emmeans(model11, pairwise~microsite|mean_ground_temp)
## $emmeans
## mean_ground_temp = 32.9:
##  microsite emmean    SE  df asymp.LCL asymp.UCL
##  mimic      1.396 0.118 Inf     1.164      1.63
##  open       0.860 0.137 Inf     0.592      1.13
##  shrub      0.436 0.930 Inf    -1.386      2.26
## Results are given on the log (not the response) scale. 
## Confidence level used: 0.95 
## $contrasts
## mean_ground_temp = 32.9:
##  contrast      estimate    SE  df z.ratio p.value
##  mimic - open     0.536 0.181 Inf   2.964  0.0085
##  mimic - shrub    0.961 0.937 Inf   1.025  0.5611
##  open - shrub     0.424 0.940 Inf   0.451  0.8938
## Results are given on the log (not the response) scale. 
## P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates
richness_ground <- ggplot(df, aes(mean_ground_temp, richness, color = microsite)) +
  geom_point(size = 0.5) +
  scale_color_brewer(palette = "Paired") +
  labs(x = "Ground Temperature (°C)", y = "Richness") + theme_classic() + theme(text = element_text(size = 12), panel.border = element_rect(color = "black", fill = NA, size = 1.5), axis.text = element_text(size = 10)) +
  geom_smooth(method = lm, se = TRUE) + labs(tag = "B", x = NULL) + theme(legend.position = "none") + theme(aspect.ratio = 0.8)

## `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'

### Evenness v ground temp

model12 <- glm(evenness~microsite*mean_ground_temp, family = poisson, data = df)
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.380957
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.894750
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.045153
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.916350
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.644695
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.348832
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.325083
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.843220
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.578648
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.474139
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.631975
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.203575
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.791702
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.119247
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.485104
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.731271
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.193550
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.659872
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.250558
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.374569
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.655243
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.481154
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.223718
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.693147
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.692421
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.126784
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.949594
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.950271
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.332179
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.781074
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.039721
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.867563
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.011404
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.983088
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.073543
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.450561
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.693147
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.213008
## Call:  glm(formula = evenness ~ microsite * mean_ground_temp, family = poisson, 
##     data = df)
## Coefficients:
##                     (Intercept)                    micrositeopen  
##                       -0.787014                        -0.319166  
##                  micrositeshrub                 mean_ground_temp  
##                       -0.291376                         0.017169  
##  micrositeopen:mean_ground_temp  micrositeshrub:mean_ground_temp  
##                       -0.006513                        -0.024726  
## Degrees of Freedom: 57 Total (i.e. Null);  52 Residual
## Null Deviance:       29.23 
## Residual Deviance: 25.08     AIC: Inf
anova(model12, test = "Chisq")
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.380957
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.894750
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.045153
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.916350
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.644695
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.348832
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.325083
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.843220
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.578648
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.474139
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.631975
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.203575
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.791702
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.119247
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.485104
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.731271
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.193550
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.659872
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.250558
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.374569
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.655243
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.481154
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.223718
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.693147
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.692421
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.126784
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.949594
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.950271
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.332179
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.781074
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.039721
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.867563
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.011404
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.983088
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.073543
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.450561
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.693147
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.213008
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.380957
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.894750
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.045153
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.916350
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.644695
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.348832
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.325083
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.843220
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.578648
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.474139
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.631975
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.203575
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.791702
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.119247
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.485104
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.731271
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.193550
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.659872
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.250558
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.374569
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.655243
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.481154
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.223718
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.693147
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.692421
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.126784
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.949594
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.950271
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.332179
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.781074
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.039721
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.867563
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.011404
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.983088
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.073543
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.450561
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.693147
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.213008
## Analysis of Deviance Table
## Model: poisson, link: log
## Response: evenness
## Terms added sequentially (first to last)
##                            Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev Pr(>Chi)
## NULL                                          57     29.230         
## microsite                   2   4.0028        55     25.227   0.1351
## mean_ground_temp            1   0.1375        54     25.089   0.7107
## microsite:mean_ground_temp  2   0.0134        52     25.076   0.9933
evenness_ground <- ggplot(df, aes(mean_ground_temp, evenness, color = microsite)) +
  geom_point(size = 0.5) +
  scale_color_brewer(palette = "Paired") +
  labs(x = "Ground Temperature (°C)", y = "Evenness") + theme_classic() + theme(text = element_text(size = 12), panel.border = element_rect(color = "black", fill = NA, size = 1.5), axis.text = element_text(size = 10)) +
  geom_smooth(method = lm, se = TRUE) + labs(tag = "C") + theme(legend.position = "none") + theme(aspect.ratio = 0.8)
## `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'

combined_plot <- (abundance_ground / richness_ground / evenness_ground) +
 plot_layout(guides = 'collect') +
  theme(legend.position = 'right') + labs(color = "Microsite")

## `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'
## `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'
## `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'

### Maps

## Attaching package: 'maps'
## The following object is masked from 'package:purrr':
##     map
## ℹ Google's Terms of Service: <https://mapsplatform.google.com>
## ℹ Please cite ggmap if you use it! Use `citation("ggmap")` for details.
# Set your Google Maps API key
api_key <- "AIzaSyBWSInlcZQ9hnFVEdCcZqD94IgOl95QhIs"
register_google(key = api_key)

# Specify the bounding box for the map with names
bounding_box <- c(left = -119.4, bottom = 34, right = -119.7, top = 36)

# Option 1
my_map_1 <- get_map(location = bounding_box, maptype = "terrain", source = "google", zoom = 9)
## ! Bounding box given to Google - spatial extent only approximate.
## ℹ <https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?center=35,-119.55&zoom=9&size=640x640&scale=2&maptype=terrain&language=en-EN&key=xxx>
map1 <- ggmap(my_map_1) +
  geom_point(data = site, aes(x = long, y = lat, color = "black"), size = 3, shape = 16) +
  labs(title = "Map with Data Points")

# Option 2
my_map_2 <- get_map(location = bounding_box, maptype = "roadmap", source = "google", zoom = 11)
## ! Bounding box given to Google - spatial extent only approximate.
## ℹ <https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?center=35,-119.55&zoom=11&size=640x640&scale=2&maptype=roadmap&language=en-EN&key=xxx>
ggmap(my_map_2) +
  geom_point(data = site, aes(x = long, y = lat, color = "black"), size = 3, shape = 16) +
  labs(title = "Map with Data Points")

# Option 3
my_map_3 <- get_map(location = bounding_box, maptype = "hybrid", source = "google", zoom = 11)
## ! Bounding box given to Google - spatial extent only approximate.
## ℹ <https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?center=35,-119.55&zoom=11&size=640x640&scale=2&maptype=hybrid&language=en-EN&key=xxx>
ggmap(my_map_3) +
  geom_point(data = site, aes(x = long, y = lat, color = "black"), size = 3, shape = 16) +
  labs(title = "Map with Data Points")

# Option 4
my_map_4 <- get_map(location = bounding_box, maptype = "terrain", source = "google", zoom = 8)
## ! Bounding box given to Google - spatial extent only approximate.
## ℹ <https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?center=35,-119.55&zoom=8&size=640x640&scale=2&maptype=terrain&language=en-EN&key=xxx>
figure_1 <- ggmap(my_map_4) +
  geom_point(data = site, aes(x = long, y = lat), color = "black", size = 2, shape = 16) +
  labs(x = "Longitude", y = "Latitude")

my_map_5 <- get_map(location = bounding_box, maptype = "terrain", source = "google", zoom = 11)
## ! Bounding box given to Google - spatial extent only approximate.
## ℹ <https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?center=35,-119.55&zoom=11&size=640x640&scale=2&maptype=terrain&language=en-EN&key=xxx>
microsite <- read.csv("Chpt5_Site_Data.csv")
figure_2 <- ggmap(my_map_5) +
  geom_point(data = microsite, aes(x = long, y = lat), size = 3, shape = 16) + scale_colour_brewer(palette = "Paired")+
  labs(x = "Longitude", y = "Latitude")

temp <- ggplot(df, aes(x = site_code, y = mean_ambient_temp, fill = microsite)) +
  geom_boxplot() + stat_summary(fun = mean, geom = "point", shape = 18, size = 2, position = position_dodge(width = 0.75 )) + labs(
       x = "Site",
       y = "Ambient Temperature (°C)", fill = "Microsite") + theme_classic() + 
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("mimic" = "#a6cee3", "open" = "#1f78b4", "shrub" = "#b2df8a")) + theme(text = element_text(size = 12), panel.border = element_rect(color = "black", fill = NA, size = 1.5), axis.text = element_text(size = 6)) + theme(aspect.ratio = 1)

p <- glm(mean_ambient_temp~microsite*site_code, family = "gaussian",data = df)
## Call:  glm(formula = mean_ambient_temp ~ microsite * site_code, family = "gaussian", 
##     data = df)
## Coefficients:
##                                (Intercept)  
##                                    20.9047  
##                              micrositeopen  
##                                     1.2207  
##                             micrositeshrub  
##                                     0.8149  
##                site_codeCarrizo_soda_shrub  
##                                     5.4053  
##                          site_codeCuyama_1  
##                                     0.9247  
##                          site_codeCuyama_3  
##                                     1.1827  
##  micrositeopen:site_codeCarrizo_soda_shrub  
##                                    -2.3673  
## micrositeshrub:site_codeCarrizo_soda_shrub  
##                                    -2.6460  
##            micrositeopen:site_codeCuyama_1  
##                                    -0.6800  
##           micrositeshrub:site_codeCuyama_1  
##                                    -0.7176  
##            micrositeopen:site_codeCuyama_3  
##                                    -0.8897  
##           micrositeshrub:site_codeCuyama_3  
##                                         NA  
## Degrees of Freedom: 57 Total (i.e. Null);  47 Residual
## Null Deviance:       186.6 
## Residual Deviance: 41.63     AIC: 169.4
anova(p, test = "Chisq")
## Analysis of Deviance Table
## Model: gaussian, link: identity
## Response: mean_ambient_temp
## Terms added sequentially (first to last)
##                     Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev Pr(>Chi)    
## NULL                                   57    186.572             
## microsite            2    1.399        55    185.173  0.45387    
## site_code            3  131.274        52     53.899  < 2e-16 ***
## microsite:site_code  5   12.269        47     41.630  0.01658 *  
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
em1 <- emmeans(p, pairwise~microsite|site_code)
## $emmeans
## site_code = Carrizo_soda_open:
##  microsite emmean    SE df lower.CL upper.CL
##  mimic       20.9 0.421 47     20.1     21.8
##  open        22.1 0.421 47     21.3     23.0
##  shrub     nonEst    NA NA       NA       NA
## site_code = Carrizo_soda_shrub:
##  microsite emmean    SE df lower.CL upper.CL
##  mimic       26.3 0.421 47     25.5     27.2
##  open        25.2 0.333 47     24.5     25.8
##  shrub       24.5 0.543 47     23.4     25.6
## site_code = Cuyama_1:
##  microsite emmean    SE df lower.CL upper.CL
##  mimic       21.8 0.421 47     21.0     22.7
##  open        22.4 0.333 47     21.7     23.0
##  shrub       21.9 0.543 47     20.8     23.0
## site_code = Cuyama_3:
##  microsite emmean    SE df lower.CL upper.CL
##  mimic       22.1 0.421 47     21.2     22.9
##  open        22.4 0.333 47     21.7     23.1
##  shrub       22.9 0.543 47     21.8     24.0
## Confidence level used: 0.95 
## $contrasts
## site_code = Carrizo_soda_open:
##  contrast      estimate    SE df t.ratio p.value
##  mimic - open   -1.2207 0.595 47  -2.051  0.1114
##  mimic - shrub   nonEst    NA NA      NA      NA
##  open - shrub    nonEst    NA NA      NA      NA
## site_code = Carrizo_soda_shrub:
##  contrast      estimate    SE df t.ratio p.value
##  mimic - open    1.1467 0.537 47   2.137  0.0932
##  mimic - shrub   1.8311 0.687 47   2.664  0.0279
##  open - shrub    0.6844 0.637 47   1.074  0.5346
## site_code = Cuyama_1:
##  contrast      estimate    SE df t.ratio p.value
##  mimic - open   -0.5407 0.537 47  -1.008  0.5757
##  mimic - shrub  -0.0973 0.687 47  -0.142  0.9890
##  open - shrub    0.4433 0.637 47   0.696  0.7671
## site_code = Cuyama_3:
##  contrast      estimate    SE df t.ratio p.value
##  mimic - open   -0.3310 0.537 47  -0.617  0.8116
##  mimic - shrub  -0.8149 0.687 47  -1.186  0.4675
##  open - shrub   -0.4839 0.637 47  -0.759  0.7294
## P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates
em2 <- emmeans(p, pairwise~site_code|microsite)
## $emmeans
## microsite = mimic:
##  site_code          emmean    SE df lower.CL upper.CL
##  Carrizo_soda_open    20.9 0.421 47     20.1     21.8
##  Carrizo_soda_shrub   26.3 0.421 47     25.5     27.2
##  Cuyama_1             21.8 0.421 47     21.0     22.7
##  Cuyama_3             22.1 0.421 47     21.2     22.9
## microsite = open:
##  site_code          emmean    SE df lower.CL upper.CL
##  Carrizo_soda_open    22.1 0.421 47     21.3     23.0
##  Carrizo_soda_shrub   25.2 0.333 47     24.5     25.8
##  Cuyama_1             22.4 0.333 47     21.7     23.0
##  Cuyama_3             22.4 0.333 47     21.7     23.1
## microsite = shrub:
##  site_code          emmean    SE df lower.CL upper.CL
##  Carrizo_soda_open  nonEst    NA NA       NA       NA
##  Carrizo_soda_shrub   24.5 0.543 47     23.4     25.6
##  Cuyama_1             21.9 0.543 47     20.8     23.0
##  Cuyama_3             22.9 0.543 47     21.8     24.0
## Confidence level used: 0.95 
## $contrasts
## microsite = mimic:
##  contrast                               estimate    SE df t.ratio p.value
##  Carrizo_soda_open - Carrizo_soda_shrub  -5.4053 0.595 47  -9.081  <.0001
##  Carrizo_soda_open - Cuyama_1            -0.9247 0.595 47  -1.553  0.4147
##  Carrizo_soda_open - Cuyama_3            -1.1827 0.595 47  -1.987  0.2075
##  Carrizo_soda_shrub - Cuyama_1            4.4807 0.595 47   7.528  <.0001
##  Carrizo_soda_shrub - Cuyama_3            4.2227 0.595 47   7.094  <.0001
##  Cuyama_1 - Cuyama_3                     -0.2580 0.595 47  -0.433  0.9724
## microsite = open:
##  contrast                               estimate    SE df t.ratio p.value
##  Carrizo_soda_open - Carrizo_soda_shrub  -3.0380 0.537 47  -5.662  <.0001
##  Carrizo_soda_open - Cuyama_1            -0.2447 0.537 47  -0.456  0.9681
##  Carrizo_soda_open - Cuyama_3            -0.2930 0.537 47  -0.546  0.9471
##  Carrizo_soda_shrub - Cuyama_1            2.7933 0.471 47   5.936  <.0001
##  Carrizo_soda_shrub - Cuyama_3            2.7450 0.471 47   5.833  <.0001
##  Cuyama_1 - Cuyama_3                     -0.0483 0.471 47  -0.103  0.9996
## microsite = shrub:
##  contrast                               estimate    SE df t.ratio p.value
##  Carrizo_soda_open - Carrizo_soda_shrub   nonEst    NA NA      NA      NA
##  Carrizo_soda_open - Cuyama_1             nonEst    NA NA      NA      NA
##  Carrizo_soda_open - Cuyama_3             nonEst    NA NA      NA      NA
##  Carrizo_soda_shrub - Cuyama_1            2.5522 0.768 47   3.321  0.0091
##  Carrizo_soda_shrub - Cuyama_3            1.5767 0.768 47   2.052  0.1841
##  Cuyama_1 - Cuyama_3                     -0.9756 0.768 47  -1.270  0.5865
## P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 4 estimates
model4 <- glm(abundance~microsite*mean_ambient_temp*mean_ground_temp + shrub_density, family = "poisson", data = df)
model4 ### Need to run the model this way because the figures show that microsite and temp interaction is not significant.
## Call:  glm(formula = abundance ~ microsite * mean_ambient_temp * mean_ground_temp + 
##     shrub_density, family = "poisson", data = df)
## Coefficients:
##                                       (Intercept)  
##                                         2.263e+00  
##                                     micrositeopen  
##                                        -1.586e+02  
##                                    micrositeshrub  
##                                         1.206e+02  
##                                 mean_ambient_temp  
##                                        -8.800e-03  
##                                  mean_ground_temp  
##                                         1.718e-01  
##                                     shrub_density  
##                                        -1.177e-01  
##                   micrositeopen:mean_ambient_temp  
##                                         6.972e+00  
##                  micrositeshrub:mean_ambient_temp  
##                                        -5.315e+00  
##                    micrositeopen:mean_ground_temp  
##                                         3.926e+00  
##                   micrositeshrub:mean_ground_temp  
##                                        -6.570e+00  
##                mean_ambient_temp:mean_ground_temp  
##                                        -4.394e-03  
##  micrositeopen:mean_ambient_temp:mean_ground_temp  
##                                        -1.735e-01  
## micrositeshrub:mean_ambient_temp:mean_ground_temp  
##                                         2.890e-01  
## Degrees of Freedom: 57 Total (i.e. Null);  45 Residual
## Null Deviance:       4372 
## Residual Deviance: 1629  AIC: 1886
anova(model4, test = "Chisq")
## Analysis of Deviance Table
## Model: poisson, link: log
## Response: abundance
## Terms added sequentially (first to last)
##                                              Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev
## NULL                                                            57     4372.1
## microsite                                     2   241.77        55     4130.4
## mean_ambient_temp                             1    14.07        54     4116.3
## mean_ground_temp                              1    47.39        53     4068.9
## shrub_density                                 1  1005.41        52     3063.5
## microsite:mean_ambient_temp                   2   701.70        50     2361.8
## microsite:mean_ground_temp                    2   248.43        48     2113.4
## mean_ambient_temp:mean_ground_temp            1   171.67        47     1941.7
## microsite:mean_ambient_temp:mean_ground_temp  2   312.43        45     1629.3
##                                               Pr(>Chi)    
## NULL                                                      
## microsite                                    < 2.2e-16 ***
## mean_ambient_temp                            0.0001763 ***
## mean_ground_temp                             5.812e-12 ***
## shrub_density                                < 2.2e-16 ***
## microsite:mean_ambient_temp                  < 2.2e-16 ***
## microsite:mean_ground_temp                   < 2.2e-16 ***
## mean_ambient_temp:mean_ground_temp           < 2.2e-16 ***
## microsite:mean_ambient_temp:mean_ground_temp < 2.2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
emmeans(model4, pairwise~microsite|mean_ambient_temp)
## NOTE: Results may be misleading due to involvement in interactions
## $emmeans
## mean_ambient_temp = 23:
##  microsite emmean     SE  df asymp.LCL asymp.UCL
##  mimic       3.15 0.0600 Inf      3.03      3.27
##  open        2.85 0.0572 Inf      2.74      2.96
##  shrub       4.03 0.5351 Inf      2.98      5.08
## Results are given on the log (not the response) scale. 
## Confidence level used: 0.95 
## $contrasts
## mean_ambient_temp = 23:
##  contrast      estimate     SE  df z.ratio p.value
##  mimic - open     0.302 0.0739 Inf   4.079  0.0001
##  mimic - shrub   -0.881 0.5409 Inf  -1.628  0.2336
##  open - shrub    -1.182 0.5398 Inf  -2.190  0.0729
## Results are given on the log (not the response) scale. 
## P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates
emmeans(model4, pairwise~microsite|shrub_density)
## $emmeans
## shrub_density = 10.5:
##  microsite emmean     SE  df asymp.LCL asymp.UCL
##  mimic       3.15 0.0600 Inf      3.03      3.27
##  open        2.85 0.0572 Inf      2.74      2.96
##  shrub       4.03 0.5351 Inf      2.98      5.08
## Results are given on the log (not the response) scale. 
## Confidence level used: 0.95 
## $contrasts
## shrub_density = 10.5:
##  contrast      estimate     SE  df z.ratio p.value
##  mimic - open     0.302 0.0739 Inf   4.079  0.0001
##  mimic - shrub   -0.881 0.5409 Inf  -1.628  0.2336
##  open - shrub    -1.182 0.5398 Inf  -2.190  0.0729
## Results are given on the log (not the response) scale. 
## P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates
model5 <- glm(richness~microsite*mean_ambient_temp*mean_ground_temp + shrub_density, family = "poisson", data = df)
model5 ### Need to run the model this way because the figures show that microsite and temp interaction is not significant.
## Call:  glm(formula = richness ~ microsite * mean_ambient_temp * mean_ground_temp + 
##     shrub_density, family = "poisson", data = df)
## Coefficients:
##                                       (Intercept)  
##                                         -5.024360  
##                                     micrositeopen  
##                                        -14.017757  
##                                    micrositeshrub  
##                                        -45.737502  
##                                 mean_ambient_temp  
##                                          0.254525  
##                                  mean_ground_temp  
##                                          0.196127  
##                                     shrub_density  
##                                         -0.021113  
##                   micrositeopen:mean_ambient_temp  
##                                          0.615400  
##                  micrositeshrub:mean_ambient_temp  
##                                          2.004582  
##                    micrositeopen:mean_ground_temp  
##                                          0.297205  
##                   micrositeshrub:mean_ground_temp  
##                                          1.676051  
##                mean_ambient_temp:mean_ground_temp  
##                                         -0.007501  
##  micrositeopen:mean_ambient_temp:mean_ground_temp  
##                                         -0.013726  
## micrositeshrub:mean_ambient_temp:mean_ground_temp  
##                                         -0.074432  
## Degrees of Freedom: 57 Total (i.e. Null);  45 Residual
## Null Deviance:       93.5 
## Residual Deviance: 63.96     AIC: 244.9
anova(model5, test = "Chisq")
## Analysis of Deviance Table
## Model: poisson, link: log
## Response: richness
## Terms added sequentially (first to last)
##                                              Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev
## NULL                                                            57     93.497
## microsite                                     2  12.1743        55     81.322
## mean_ambient_temp                             1   1.8426        54     79.480
## mean_ground_temp                              1   0.4189        53     79.061
## shrub_density                                 1   5.6726        52     73.388
## microsite:mean_ambient_temp                   2   7.6318        50     65.756
## microsite:mean_ground_temp                    2   0.3744        48     65.382
## mean_ambient_temp:mean_ground_temp            1   0.9819        47     64.400
## microsite:mean_ambient_temp:mean_ground_temp  2   0.4398        45     63.960
##                                              Pr(>Chi)   
## NULL                                                    
## microsite                                    0.002272 **
## mean_ambient_temp                            0.174641   
## mean_ground_temp                             0.517478   
## shrub_density                                0.017232 * 
## microsite:mean_ambient_temp                  0.022018 * 
## microsite:mean_ground_temp                   0.829290   
## mean_ambient_temp:mean_ground_temp           0.321720   
## microsite:mean_ambient_temp:mean_ground_temp 0.802598   
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
emmeans(model5, pairwise~microsite|mean_ambient_temp)
## NOTE: Results may be misleading due to involvement in interactions
## $emmeans
## mean_ambient_temp = 23:
##  microsite emmean    SE  df asymp.LCL asymp.UCL
##  mimic      1.385 0.137 Inf     1.116      1.65
##  open       0.912 0.143 Inf     0.631      1.19
##  shrub      0.572 1.456 Inf    -2.282      3.43
## Results are given on the log (not the response) scale. 
## Confidence level used: 0.95 
## $contrasts
## mean_ambient_temp = 23:
##  contrast      estimate    SE  df z.ratio p.value
##  mimic - open     0.473 0.198 Inf   2.392  0.0442
##  mimic - shrub    0.813 1.464 Inf   0.555  0.8439
##  open - shrub     0.340 1.463 Inf   0.232  0.9707
## Results are given on the log (not the response) scale. 
## P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates
emmeans(model5, pairwise~microsite|shrub_density)
## $emmeans
## shrub_density = 10.5:
##  microsite emmean    SE  df asymp.LCL asymp.UCL
##  mimic      1.385 0.137 Inf     1.116      1.65
##  open       0.912 0.143 Inf     0.631      1.19
##  shrub      0.572 1.456 Inf    -2.282      3.43
## Results are given on the log (not the response) scale. 
## Confidence level used: 0.95 
## $contrasts
## shrub_density = 10.5:
##  contrast      estimate    SE  df z.ratio p.value
##  mimic - open     0.473 0.198 Inf   2.392  0.0442
##  mimic - shrub    0.813 1.464 Inf   0.555  0.8439
##  open - shrub     0.340 1.463 Inf   0.232  0.9707
## Results are given on the log (not the response) scale. 
## P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates
model6 <- glm(evenness~microsite*mean_ambient_temp*mean_ground_temp + shrub_density, family = "poisson", data = df)
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.380957
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.894750
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.045153
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.916350
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.644695
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.348832
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.325083
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.843220
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.578648
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.474139
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.631975
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.203575
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.791702
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.119247
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.485104
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.731271
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.193550
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.659872
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.250558
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.374569
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.655243
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.481154
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.223718
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.693147
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.692421
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.126784
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.949594
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.950271
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.332179
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.781074
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.039721
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.867563
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.011404
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.983088
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.073543
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.450561
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.693147
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.213008
model6 ### Need to run the model this way because the figures show that microsite and temp interaction is not significant.
## Call:  glm(formula = evenness ~ microsite * mean_ambient_temp * mean_ground_temp + 
##     shrub_density, family = "poisson", data = df)
## Coefficients:
##                                       (Intercept)  
##                                          1.944810  
##                                     micrositeopen  
##                                         16.639277  
##                                    micrositeshrub  
##                                        -80.632468  
##                                 mean_ambient_temp  
##                                         -0.133752  
##                                  mean_ground_temp  
##                                         -0.031452  
##                                     shrub_density  
##                                          0.004008  
##                   micrositeopen:mean_ambient_temp  
##                                         -0.710949  
##                  micrositeshrub:mean_ambient_temp  
##                                          3.522645  
##                    micrositeopen:mean_ground_temp  
##                                         -0.522935  
##                   micrositeshrub:mean_ground_temp  
##                                          3.165489  
##                mean_ambient_temp:mean_ground_temp  
##                                          0.002466  
##  micrositeopen:mean_ambient_temp:mean_ground_temp  
##                                          0.021623  
## micrositeshrub:mean_ambient_temp:mean_ground_temp  
##                                         -0.140145  
## Degrees of Freedom: 57 Total (i.e. Null);  45 Residual
## Null Deviance:       29.23 
## Residual Deviance: 24.14     AIC: Inf
anova(model6, test = "Chisq")
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.380957
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.894750
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.045153
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.916350
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.644695
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.348832
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.325083
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.843220
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.578648
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.474139
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.631975
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.203575
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.791702
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.119247
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.485104
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.731271
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.193550
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.659872
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.250558
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.374569
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.655243
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.481154
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.223718
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.693147
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.692421
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.126784
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.949594
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.950271
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.332179
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.781074
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.039721
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.867563
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.011404
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.983088
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.073543
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.450561
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.693147
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.213008
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.380957
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.894750
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.045153
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.916350
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.644695
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.348832
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.325083
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.843220
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.578648
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.474139
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.631975
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.203575
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.791702
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.119247
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.485104
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.731271
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.193550
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.659872
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.250558
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.374569
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.655243
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.481154
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.223718
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.693147
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.692421
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.126784
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.949594
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.950271
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.332179
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.781074
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.039721
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.867563
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.011404
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.983088
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.073543
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.450561
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.693147
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.213008
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.380957
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.894750
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.045153
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.916350
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.644695
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.348832
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.325083
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.843220
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.578648
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.474139
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.631975
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.203575
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.791702
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.119247
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.485104
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.731271
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.193550
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.659872
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.250558
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.374569
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.655243
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.481154
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.223718
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.693147
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.692421
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.126784
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.949594
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.950271
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.332179
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.781074
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.039721
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.867563
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.011404
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.983088
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.073543
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.450561
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.693147
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.213008
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.380957
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.894750
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.045153
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.916350
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.644695
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.348832
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.325083
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.843220
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.578648
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.474139
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.631975
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.203575
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.791702
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.119247
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.485104
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.731271
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.193550
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.659872
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.250558
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.374569
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.655243
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.481154
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.223718
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.693147
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.692421
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.126784
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.949594
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.950271
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.332179
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.781074
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.039721
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.867563
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.011404
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.983088
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.073543
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.450561
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.693147
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.213008
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.380957
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.894750
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.045153
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.916350
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.644695
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.348832
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.325083
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.843220
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.578648
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.474139
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.631975
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.203575
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.791702
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.119247
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.485104
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.731271
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.193550
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.659872
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.250558
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.374569
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.655243
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.481154
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.223718
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.693147
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.692421
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.126784
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.949594
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.950271
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.332179
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.781074
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.039721
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.867563
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.011404
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.983088
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.073543
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.450561
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.693147
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.213008
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.380957
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.894750
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.045153
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.916350
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.644695
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.348832
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.325083
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.843220
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.578648
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.474139
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.631975
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.203575
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.791702
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.119247
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.485104
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.731271
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.193550
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.659872
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.250558
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.374569
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.655243
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.481154
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.223718
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.693147
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.692421
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.126784
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.949594
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.950271
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.332179
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.781074
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.039721
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.867563
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.011404
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.983088
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.073543
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.450561
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.693147
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.213008
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.380957
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.894750
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.045153
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.916350
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.644695
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.348832
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.325083
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.843220
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.578648
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.474139
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.631975
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.203575
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.791702
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.119247
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.485104
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.731271
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.193550
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.659872
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.250558
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.374569
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.655243
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.481154
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.223718
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.693147
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.692421
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.126784
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.949594
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.950271
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.332179
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.781074
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.039721
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.867563
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.011404
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.983088
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.073543
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.450561
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.693147
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 0.636514
## Warning in dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE): non-integer x = 1.213008
## Analysis of Deviance Table
## Model: poisson, link: log
## Response: evenness
## Terms added sequentially (first to last)
##                                              Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev
## NULL                                                            57     29.230
## microsite                                     2   4.0028        55     25.227
## mean_ambient_temp                             1   0.0103        54     25.216
## mean_ground_temp                              1   0.1296        53     25.087
## shrub_density                                 1   0.0098        52     25.077
## microsite:mean_ambient_temp                   2   0.5663        50     24.511
## microsite:mean_ground_temp                    2   0.0653        48     24.445
## mean_ambient_temp:mean_ground_temp            1   0.0810        47     24.364
## microsite:mean_ambient_temp:mean_ground_temp  2   0.2269        45     24.138
##                                              Pr(>Chi)
## NULL                                                 
## microsite                                      0.1351
## mean_ambient_temp                              0.9190
## mean_ground_temp                               0.7189
## shrub_density                                  0.9211
## microsite:mean_ambient_temp                    0.7534
## microsite:mean_ground_temp                     0.9679
## mean_ambient_temp:mean_ground_temp             0.7759
## microsite:mean_ambient_temp:mean_ground_temp   0.8927
emmeans(model6, pairwise~microsite|mean_ambient_temp)
## NOTE: Results may be misleading due to involvement in interactions
## $emmeans
## mean_ambient_temp = 23:
##  microsite emmean    SE  df asymp.LCL asymp.UCL
##  mimic     -0.257 0.322 Inf    -0.887     0.373
##  open      -0.813 0.341 Inf    -1.482    -0.143
##  shrub     -1.770 4.264 Inf   -10.127     6.587
## Results are given on the log (not the response) scale. 
## Confidence level used: 0.95 
## $contrasts
## mean_ambient_temp = 23:
##  contrast      estimate    SE  df z.ratio p.value
##  mimic - open     0.555 0.469 Inf   1.184  0.4629
##  mimic - shrub    1.512 4.276 Inf   0.354  0.9334
##  open - shrub     0.957 4.276 Inf   0.224  0.9728
## Results are given on the log (not the response) scale. 
## P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates
emmeans(model6, pairwise~microsite|shrub_density)
## $emmeans
## shrub_density = 10.5:
##  microsite emmean    SE  df asymp.LCL asymp.UCL
##  mimic     -0.257 0.322 Inf    -0.887     0.373
##  open      -0.813 0.341 Inf    -1.482    -0.143
##  shrub     -1.770 4.264 Inf   -10.127     6.587
## Results are given on the log (not the response) scale. 
## Confidence level used: 0.95 
## $contrasts
## shrub_density = 10.5:
##  contrast      estimate    SE  df z.ratio p.value
##  mimic - open     0.555 0.469 Inf   1.184  0.4629
##  mimic - shrub    1.512 4.276 Inf   0.354  0.9334
##  open - shrub     0.957 4.276 Inf   0.224  0.9728
## Results are given on the log (not the response) scale. 
## P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates
animals <- photo %>% group_by(common_name, scientific_name) %>% summarise(captures = sum(animal_hit))
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'common_name'. You can override using the
## `.groups` argument.
### RII
### You need to subset the data twice. Once for mimic and once for shrub then rejoin them all.
mimic_open_data <- subset(df, microsite %in% c("mimic", "open")) %>% filter(microsite_number <= 5)
shrub_open_data <- subset(df, microsite %in% c("shrub", "open")) %>% filter((microsite == "open" & microsite_number > 5) | microsite == "shrub")

microsite_combinations <- expand.grid(microsite = c("mimic", "open"),
                                      microsite_number = 1:5,  # Adjust the range based on your data
                                      site_code = unique(mimic_open_data$site_code))

rii_results <- data.frame()

calculate_rii <- function(data) {
  # Assuming columns are named "abundance", "richness", and "evenness"
  rii_abundance <- (data$abundance[1] - data$abundance[2]) / (data$abundance[1] + data$abundance[2])
  rii_richness <- (data$richness[1] - data$richness[2]) / (data$richness[1] + data$richness[2])
  rii_evenness <- (data$evenness[1] - data$evenness[2]) / (data$evenness[1] + data$evenness[2])
  return(c(rii_abundance, rii_richness, rii_evenness))

# Iterate through each combination of microsites and site numbers
for (i in 1:nrow(microsite_combinations)) {
  current_combination <- microsite_combinations[i, ]
  # Filter data for the current microsite pair and site numbers
current_data <- mimic_open_data %>%
    filter((microsite == current_combination$microsite & 
             microsite_number == current_combination$microsite_number & 
             site_code == current_combination$site_code) |
           (microsite == "open" & 
             microsite_number == current_combination$microsite_number & 
             site_code == current_combination$site_code))
     current_rii <- calculate_rii(current_data)
     current_results <- data.frame(microsite = current_combination$microsite,
                                microsite_number = current_combination$microsite_number,
                                site_code = current_combination$site_code,
                                rii_abundance = current_rii[1],
                                rii_richness = current_rii[2],
                                rii_evenness = current_rii[3])
   rii_results <- rbind(rii_results, current_results)

# Display or use RII results
##    microsite microsite_number          site_code rii_abundance rii_richness
## 1      mimic                1  Carrizo_soda_open     0.7391304   0.42857143
## 2       open                1  Carrizo_soda_open            NA           NA
## 3      mimic                2  Carrizo_soda_open     0.4117647   0.42857143
## 4       open                2  Carrizo_soda_open            NA           NA
## 5      mimic                3  Carrizo_soda_open     0.6426667   0.16666667
## 6       open                3  Carrizo_soda_open            NA           NA
## 7      mimic                4  Carrizo_soda_open     0.4919786   0.07692308
## 8       open                4  Carrizo_soda_open            NA           NA
## 9      mimic                5  Carrizo_soda_open     0.6901408   0.33333333
## 10      open                5  Carrizo_soda_open            NA           NA
## 11     mimic                1 Carrizo_soda_shrub    -0.7682119   0.14285714
## 12      open                1 Carrizo_soda_shrub            NA           NA
## 13     mimic                2 Carrizo_soda_shrub     0.3548387   0.11111111
## 14      open                2 Carrizo_soda_shrub            NA           NA
## 15     mimic                3 Carrizo_soda_shrub     0.8604651   0.66666667
## 16      open                3 Carrizo_soda_shrub            NA           NA
## 17     mimic                4 Carrizo_soda_shrub     0.9024390   0.33333333
## 18      open                4 Carrizo_soda_shrub            NA           NA
## 19     mimic                5 Carrizo_soda_shrub     0.1282051  -0.14285714
## 20      open                5 Carrizo_soda_shrub            NA           NA
## 21     mimic                1           Cuyama_1     1.0000000   1.00000000
## 22      open                1           Cuyama_1            NA           NA
## 23     mimic                2           Cuyama_1    -0.4285714  -0.20000000
## 24      open                2           Cuyama_1            NA           NA
## 25     mimic                3           Cuyama_1     0.6774194   0.00000000
## 26      open                3           Cuyama_1            NA           NA
## 27     mimic                4           Cuyama_1    -0.4392523   0.00000000
## 28      open                4           Cuyama_1            NA           NA
## 29     mimic                5           Cuyama_1     0.7647059   0.66666667
## 30      open                5           Cuyama_1            NA           NA
## 31     mimic                1           Cuyama_3     0.3333333   0.20000000
## 32      open                1           Cuyama_3            NA           NA
## 33     mimic                2           Cuyama_3     0.0000000   0.20000000
## 34      open                2           Cuyama_3            NA           NA
## 35     mimic                3           Cuyama_3    -0.2000000  -0.33333333
## 36      open                3           Cuyama_3            NA           NA
## 37     mimic                4           Cuyama_3     0.8461538   0.33333333
## 38      open                4           Cuyama_3            NA           NA
## 39     mimic                5           Cuyama_3     1.0000000   1.00000000
## 40      open                5           Cuyama_3            NA           NA
##    rii_evenness
## 1     0.5966766
## 2            NA
## 3     0.4670043
## 4            NA
## 5     0.1069349
## 6            NA
## 7     0.2258878
## 8            NA
## 9     0.1524406
## 10           NA
## 11    0.3811298
## 12           NA
## 13    0.0041823
## 14           NA
## 15    1.0000000
## 16           NA
## 17    1.0000000
## 18           NA
## 19   -0.1526385
## 20           NA
## 21          NaN
## 22           NA
## 23   -0.1564565
## 24           NA
## 25   -0.3159922
## 26           NA
## 27    0.1812030
## 28           NA
## 29    1.0000000
## 30           NA
## 31    0.1536151
## 32           NA
## 33    0.3836226
## 34           NA
## 35   -1.0000000
## 36           NA
## 37    0.1729713
## 38           NA
## 39    1.0000000
## 40           NA
rii_results_mimic <- rii_results %>% filter(microsite_number <= 5) %>% filter(microsite == "mimic") %>% mutate_all(~ifelse(is.na(.), 0, .)) %>%  mutate(microsite = ifelse(microsite == 1, "Mimic", microsite)) 
shrub_open_data <- subset(df, microsite %in% c("shrub", "open")) %>% filter((microsite == "open" & microsite_number > 5) | microsite == "shrub")

shrub_open_data <- shrub_open_data %>%
  mutate(microsite_number = ifelse(microsite_number == 6, 1, microsite_number)) %>% mutate(microsite_number = ifelse(microsite_number == 7, 2, microsite_number)) %>% mutate(microsite_number = ifelse(microsite_number == 8, 3, microsite_number))

microsite_combinations_2 <- expand.grid(microsite = c("shrub", "open"),
                                      microsite_number = 1:3,  # Adjust the range based on your data
                                      site_code = unique(mimic_open_data$site_code))

rii_results <- data.frame()

calculate_rii <- function(data) {
  # Assuming columns are named "abundance", "richness", and "evenness"
  rii_abundance <- (data$abundance[1] - data$abundance[2]) / (data$abundance[1] + data$abundance[2])
  rii_richness <- (data$richness[1] - data$richness[2]) / (data$richness[1] + data$richness[2])
  rii_evenness <- (data$evenness[1] - data$evenness[2]) / (data$evenness[1] + data$evenness[2])
  return(c(rii_abundance, rii_richness, rii_evenness))

# Iterate through each combination of microsites and site numbers
for (i in 1:nrow(microsite_combinations_2)) {
  current_combination <- microsite_combinations_2[i, ]
  # Filter data for the current microsite pair and site numbers
  current_data <- shrub_open_data %>%
    filter((microsite == current_combination$microsite & 
             microsite_number == current_combination$microsite_number & 
             site_code == current_combination$site_code) |
           (microsite == "open" & 
             microsite_number == current_combination$microsite_number & 
             site_code == current_combination$site_code))
     current_rii <- calculate_rii(current_data)
     current_results <- data.frame(microsite = current_combination$microsite,
                                microsite_number = current_combination$microsite_number,
                                site_code = current_combination$site_code,
                                rii_abundance = current_rii[1],
                                rii_richness = current_rii[2],
                                rii_evenness = current_rii[3])
   rii_results <- rbind(rii_results, current_results)

# Display or use RII results
##    microsite microsite_number          site_code rii_abundance rii_richness
## 1      shrub                1  Carrizo_soda_open            NA           NA
## 2       open                1  Carrizo_soda_open            NA           NA
## 3      shrub                2  Carrizo_soda_open            NA           NA
## 4       open                2  Carrizo_soda_open            NA           NA
## 5      shrub                3  Carrizo_soda_open            NA           NA
## 6       open                3  Carrizo_soda_open            NA           NA
## 7      shrub                1 Carrizo_soda_shrub   -0.63636364   -0.7142857
## 8       open                1 Carrizo_soda_shrub            NA           NA
## 9      shrub                2 Carrizo_soda_shrub    0.06614786   -0.2000000
## 10      open                2 Carrizo_soda_shrub            NA           NA
## 11     shrub                3 Carrizo_soda_shrub    0.00000000    0.4285714
## 12      open                3 Carrizo_soda_shrub            NA           NA
## 13     shrub                1           Cuyama_1   -1.00000000   -1.0000000
## 14      open                1           Cuyama_1            NA           NA
## 15     shrub                2           Cuyama_1    0.00000000    0.0000000
## 16      open                2           Cuyama_1            NA           NA
## 17     shrub                3           Cuyama_1    0.60000000    0.5000000
## 18      open                3           Cuyama_1            NA           NA
## 19     shrub                1           Cuyama_3   -0.45454545   -0.3333333
## 20      open                1           Cuyama_3            NA           NA
## 21     shrub                2           Cuyama_3           NaN          NaN
## 22      open                2           Cuyama_3            NA           NA
## 23     shrub                3           Cuyama_3   -0.77777778    0.0000000
## 24      open                3           Cuyama_3            NA           NA
##    rii_evenness
## 1            NA
## 2            NA
## 3            NA
## 4            NA
## 5            NA
## 6            NA
## 7    -1.0000000
## 8            NA
## 9    -0.3151460
## 10           NA
## 11    0.7200527
## 12           NA
## 13          NaN
## 14           NA
## 15          NaN
## 16           NA
## 17    1.0000000
## 18           NA
## 19   -0.3116986
## 20           NA
## 21          NaN
## 22           NA
## 23          NaN
## 24           NA
rii_results_shrub <- rii_results %>% filter(microsite == "shrub") %>% filter(site_code != "Carrizo_soda_open")  %>% mutate_all(~ifelse(is.na(.), 0, .)) %>%  mutate(microsite = ifelse(microsite == 1, "Shrub", microsite)) 
### Combine both RII df together.

combined_rii <- rbind(rii_results_mimic, rii_results_shrub)

# Assuming your combined RII dataframe is named "combined_rii"

# Reshape data to long format
combined_rii_long <- combined_rii %>%
  gather(key = "variable", value = "value", rii_abundance, rii_richness, rii_evenness)

# Create ggplot
summary_data <- combined_rii_long %>%
  group_by(microsite, variable) %>%
  summarize(avg_value = mean(value),
            sd_value = sd(value))
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'microsite'. You can override using the
## `.groups` argument.
# Create ggplot with point plot and error bars
rii_plot <- ggplot(summary_data, aes(x = variable, y = avg_value, color = microsite)) +
  geom_point(position = position_dodge(width = 0.8), size = 3) +
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = avg_value - sd_value, ymax = avg_value + sd_value), 
                position = position_dodge(width = 0.8), width = 0.2) +
  labs(x = "", y = "RII", fill = "Microsite") +
  theme_minimal() + theme_classic() + coord_flip() + scale_x_discrete(labels = c("rii_abundance" = "Abundance", 
                              "rii_richness" = "Richness", 
                              "rii_evenness" = "Evenness")) +
   scale_colour_manual(values = c("Mimic" = "#a6cee3", "Shrub" = "#b2df8a")) + theme(text = element_text(size = 12), panel.border = element_rect(color = "black", fill = NA, size = 1.5), axis.text = element_text(size = 12)) + theme(aspect.ratio = 1) + geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed", color = "black") + labs(colour = "Microsite")
